A Game Called ADOM and the Legacy of Roguelikes

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In this video, I talk about text

Music Used:
reed and trsi - 118 in 64 and 194
Opus Magnum OST
Shenzhen IO OST
Kirby 64 - Pop Star
Unreal Tournament - Mechanism 8
TowerClimb - Krystelle Final Battle Theme
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I played _so_ much ADOM in the 90's. Submitted bug reports to Thomas and everything. A decade or so later, I am browsing the web and find a hit for my name associated with the game. Curious, and wondering if I'd written an article on it that I just forgot about... I pull it up and it's in the credits for the final pre-Steam release. The man actually went to the effort of thanking all of us from the early days of the community. Big fan, was stoked when he announced that he was bringing it to Steam.

One of these days, I'll actually get a win with something other than an archer :P


I stopped to read the Ultimate ending and show "Your deeds are recounted at campfires and interpreted by philosophers and priests alike."
My mind immediately thought about the discussion on corpse-eating in ADOM and how somewhere in the future of Ancardia...

There is a giant painting of Sampsa eating a bandit, à la "Saturn Devouring His Son", hanging proudly in someone's great hall.


It's crazy that, despite having never seen this game before, I can mostly make sense of what's going on thanks to Dwarf Fortress.


ADOM being your childhood game explains so much about your taste in games and I’m here for it


'Ring of mental stability' sounds like something my therapist would try tricking me into wearing


Remember to Rogue"like" this video ;) ;) ;)

Seriously though I just wanted to talk about something from my younger years as a bit of a break from Seablock, but on that note, I'm going to be putting up another poll for the next Factorio Challenge run on my Patreon, so expect that next.


Another example of how the Matrix operators could actually comprehend walls of random symbols


"Oh cool, someone made a video on a game I played obsessively as a teen!"
Spent 20 years just having fun slamming my face against things... No idea there were quests.


I watched only the first several minutes due to spoilers and laughed so hard when you said "Obliterate a beggar" because I understood your plan. I've been attempting to pass ADOM since 2013 spoiler-less and I must thank you for this video. I never got passed meeting Khelvaster. Your initial breakdown of talents (take Treasure hunter), horoscopes and classes (Only Wiz, Archer and Fighter) completely changed my approach. I now proudly say I've got passed getting the Water Orb. Let's see how far I go this time and how many more years it'll take if I ever do complete it! Cheers from India.


I don’t really like roguelikes but I love hearing people talk about stuff that they’re passionate about


Oh holy shit, Castle of the Winds. _That_ is an unlocked memory I had forgotten.
I died so very, very much in that game. And then my gaming took me into the world of MUDs instead of deeper into roguelikes (incidentally, where I learned to touch-type) and I never looked back. Funny enough, the MUD I favored used a very ADoM-like palette, and holy shit is this video taking me back decades.


Seriously, thank you! I've been starting the development of a traditionnnal rogue like for a couple of weeks and I didn't have a lot of motivation to really dive into all the hassle of creating something that big, but your passion about Adom is quite a motivation.

Thanks for those 49 minutes of pure motivation.


Dude, speaking of the cockatrice. I have to share to add on to that complexity thing you were talking about.

I had an amazing run going in Nethack and was practically invincible, except to being petrified...I always kept an eye out for cockatricies because they would be run killers and kept a few lizard corpses on me just in case. Well, I killed one that was on the map and felt safe and continued my rampage and suddenly instantly die.

Some elf archer decided to be an absolute chad and dropped his bow just so he could pick up the cockatrice corpse on the ground and bashed me over the head with it...without gloves on I might add. So the guy died in one of the most heroic ways possible, taking me with him...I didn't even noticing before it was too late. Because I could have saved myself by eating one of my lizard corpses.

One of the most memorable experiences I have ever had with a game because I would never have expected an enemy in any game to realize what they were doing was not working to then also know how deadly a cockatrice corpse is AND, at the expense of it's own safety, know to pick it up and use it as a weapon...


I never realized how much Elona cribbed and referenced to and or from ADOM. Elona's first town straight up sends you to the puppy cave as a first quest, and drinking from wells can grant you wishes or curses as well.


Babe wake up, it's 3 AM, new Dosh video just dropped


I played approximately 1, 000 hours of a roguelike named POWDER growing up. It was the only game we had on the Windows 95 computers at the after-school daycare in elementary school. And then the iOS app came out and I could play it on my phone.

Such a good game, with the depth of interactions and secrets I've come to expect from roguelikes - drop a Warhammer in a hole, push a boulder onto it to bury it, then unearth it somehow and hey presto, an Earth Hammer that can dig through walls and does bonus damage to earth elementals.

Not to mention the Minotaur's key, which is used to open the portal to the spaceship (sorry, "cave of steel"), complete with viewports you can break and get sucked out of.


Holy fuck, ADoM was one of my all time favorite games way back when, I literally used to fake sick and skip school to play more of it lmao. Read through the ancient guidebook so many times. I had a pile of shitty midi's I would play for it to have music, to this day, scatman evokes fantasy vibes for me ahaha.


I wouldn't mind a bonus video of you going even more into detail about your feelings on the classes/races/abilities as you seem to know pretty much everything about the game and I love getting that second-hand passion from that.


A video about ADOM that has more then 20 views. It's enough to bring a tear to my eye.


I REALLY enjoy these longform videos of you just talking about your passions in video gaming.
