IBC tote Gravity fed garden watering or fire suppression system. Feed your garden or fight a fire.

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This is an easy way to collect rain water to use for your garden or even at an off grid cabin or homestead.
You can buy 1000 liter tanks often under a hundred bucks. Just make sure that you ask what they were used for. I buy tanks that were only used for food oil or syrop.

As a bonus, you could set up a pump and have your own fire fighting or fire suppression system to help save your home. This would certainly help people in California to fight wildfires on their own property.

#rainwater #gardening #irrigate #grow #water #harvest #garden #wildfire #firefighting
Рекомендации по теме

Can you lead me to a video where I can, open the container to rinse out the ibc. I got one as well to homestead, however I'm fairly fresh with the whole thing.

Could you show a process how you did it?


I have a gravity fed ibc tote. I have my water hose attached to it for gardening.
The stream is very light, even with the tote tilted and the hose ran downhill. Any suggestions on getting a better flow? It takes over an hour to currently water my garden.


Is algae a problem if you connect this to the drip irrigation?


Can you please explain how it is working, how much depth water level it works, costs, manufacturer etc.
