[ROADIE VLOG #1] Traveling to Europe & First Two Shows w/ Electric Callboy

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Come join me for an adventure while I join Electric Callboy on tour in Europe as their Assistant Tour Manager for the Tekkno World Tour. In this video you'll see my travels to Europe and behind the scenes of our first two shows in Berlin and Hannover.

00:00 Traveling to Germany
04:48 Arriving In Germany
07:00 First Day In Germany / Bus Call
11:10 Show #1 - Berlin, Germany
28:46 Show #2 - Hannover, Germany




Follow my created streaming playlists all of the music featured on my channel:


#electriccallboy #tourvlog #roadiereactions #tankthetech
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Honestly blown away by the response to this style of video, and can't thank you enough for watching. I've already made some changes that you've recommended, including changing my camera to 50hz for Europe (to get rid of the lights flashing), and I'll also be filming in 4k from now on. Thank you for all the comments. Anything else in particular you want to see?


Not gonna lie, I miss this down-to-earth, personal style of vlogging. Great job Tank!


The "lack" of edits is what makes this so special. Its a raw peek behind the curtain, and that is why most if not all of us come here every time to see what you recorded for us


Who wants Tank to perform with @ElectricCallboy on stage? #WeWantTank 🤘😁


Tank standing around staring at his eggs cooking is a mood.


Not gonna lie hearing Pascal tell you how much he loves you and how happy he was that you were there with them made me warm and fuzzy inside 🥰 this band and crew is so wholesome, it's wonderful to see! It was really interesting to see all the bts stuff, can't wait for the next vlog! I hope you're having good times on your days off!


It makes me so happy, that EC asked you to be on their tour again, this time in Germany and Europe - this is a whole new level of bromance. :D


This is everything YouTube should be: Real life documentations about the stuff most people don’t get to see. That good slice-of-life era of YouTube combined with my passion for live shows and getting to see behind the scenes footage, plus all the heartwarming moments, is what I love so, so much. Please keep this up.


ahh this is just good vibes from the very beginning. I love that you and the entire EC crew are not shy to say "I love you" to each other. I think that's something we need more of in 2024, especially from men <3


My Dad travelled like this for all of my childhood (before mobile phones). I actually found that I spent way more quality time with my Dad than my friends did with their Dads who did shift work. When my Dad was home he was 100% home. He took us camping and on BBQs and I have so many amazing childhood memories. So reassure yourself that you can and will have an amazing time with your daughter when you are home.


That bodycam behind the stage was genius, watched it through twice in a row 🤩 The thousand little tasks that need doing, the costume changes, the Jägermeister pit stop :-D


Honestly, most people can do stuff if they're told what to do. But seeing you pass Nico's on-ears through the neck of his shirt was like "And that's why they asked him to tour with them again. He's a keeper." It's literally the little things that matter. Being that step ahead and doing the right things without having to be told to do them, it's simply *chef's kiss*. Appreciate that! (On a darker side, that's also often a trait of people coming from abusive homes as they've learned since early childhood how to stay that step ahead so they won't have to suffer abuse... Maybe that's why this little scene was so meaningful to me.)


Tank constantly saying he's not good at vlogging, while this is one of the most fun and interesting vlogs I've ever watched. Love the body cam during the show but everything in between as well. Have a great tour!


Tank, don't worry that you're "not filming enough"! I mean...you're there to work! Not to record a YT vid for us.♥ i already love all these bodycam backstage snipets you give us, i guess the least of us know what happens behind the stage during a show.
And i need to say one thing: The love of you for EC and the love of EC for you is one of the best things i've seen in a while. I'm happy for all of you that you've found each other. This was meant to be.


19:28 "I can't even tell you how much I love that you are on board man!"


Nico stopping mid show during a costume change to tell you how happy he is you’re there and that he loves you is genuinely making me emotional. Such good dudes.


Calling it now. Next EC album we're going to see tank in one of the music videos 😂


I gotta say, Tank: I'm so proud of you for your sobriety and seemingly not being phased when handling their Jager. Love the video and can't wait for the next one.


We need Tank to do a cameo for Castrop Spandau at one show and wear the Tank cam for it.


This video highlights Tank's wholesome and kind nature. I've never met him personally, but the evident appreciation and respect people have for him really shine through in this video.
