Desolations of Jerusalem: History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church | Documentary

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One of the most important elements in a true experience with God is methodology. Using a correct methodology when studying the Bible is the only way for God’s people to truly know the character and will of God. Watch the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from its beginnings in the 1800s to the present day as the steps of its change in methodology and doctrines are traced. The Advent people were established upon the rules of William Miller, the forefather of Adventism. Step by step the church walked away from its foundation, accepting spurious doctrines due to a progressive change in Biblical methodology. This gradual change has placed the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a position where it cannot recognize the latter rain message here at the end of this earth’s history…

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Amen 🙏🏼! A small group of us are talking about this right now. One of the things I most wanted to know was why were there so many books written now in our time that would lead us from the truth God had already given to the Early Pioneers of Faith? What other things could there be said, when the Light was already given to the Early Pioneers? I wasted so much money buying books that led me off track, and the Truth was with and given to the Early Pioneers. I wanted to study what our Early Pioneers studied and experience what they experienced in learning this Truth. All I wanted is the Truth, and all this time it was hidden or covered up because no one is teaching or preaching about it. This is so deceiving, but I Praise God for finding this video that teaches where to begin and the path to tread on to learn this Truth. Thank God for raising these Pioneers and uncovering the Truth that was so long hidden from us all. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😇


Before every crisis, the Lord always sends a message to for warn His people. And for our generation, before the close of probation and the time of trouble (Daniel 12:1), God has given us the delineation of events(Dan 11:40-45) that lead to this great crisis and without understanding Daniel 11:40-45, we cannot engage in the necessary work of prepares. Adventist were given this privilige of proclaiming the most solemn message ever proclaimed, and to fulfil this commission we must go to the old paths, miller's principles, line upon line. May we all prayerfully seek to understand our present truth message. God's word will surely triumph!!


If only every Adventist would take time to watch this video. It is a good introduction and thought provoking to those that are willing to know the truth of Adventist and where we stand as a people of God. I see this as a wake up call to the Priests of Israel


So many precious truths in this documentary were only touched upon. That's not a criticism, only a comment on the broadness of the topics discussed. Hopefully all who watch this will be inspired and challenged to study further. Certainly awe-inspiring to consider how God is restoring His church, yet sad to consider how many will reject the means of their salvation which is this latter rain message that began in 1989. Praise God for the apparent hard work and efforts that went into the production of this film.


from Panama, Central America I want to say this video is very informative and made me clear our Adventist´s foundation. God Bless!


É completamente maravilhoso presenciar como o Senhor tem cuidado de nós com um carinho muito especial a ponto de dar tantas advertências proféticas a esta última geração.
Muito obrigada a todos que direta ou indiretamente colaboraram pra que este documentário acontecesse!! Vocês têm sido poderosos instrumentos de Deus, cheios de compaixão para conosco!!
Louvado seja Nosso Deus pelas Suas muitas misericórdias!!!


I admit to being skeptical when I started watching this presentation. I am glad I watched it. I thought the presentation was objective, to the point. I was blessed. Thanks to the creators.


Thanks for the reminder that the battle with self must continue amidst our duty of warning others of the soon coming of Christ. May God prepare us for His coming is my plea and prayer


Greetings from path of the remnant ministry in Uganda this video is a blessing


Have been waiting for this wonderful message here in Kenya, Africa. May God bless the work there and the leadership engaged in this present truth movement. Amen


I was counting the days waiting for it! God Bless!


i cannot thank you much for the great work you are doing in the Lord's cineyard. may God richly bless you.


God is praised, Amen and Amen. Believe the prophets. 2 Chron 20:20 Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.
Thank you brethren for your message. We should study in the school of Christ only; not in the conventional school of men where truth is mingled with error. The father of lies is the instructor who has doubted Christ from the very beginning and who wanted to be next to God; that only belongs to Jesus our Lord. Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little in Isa 28:13 is our guide to study the Scripture, and Thus saith the Lord will come out of our mouths.


Thank you Lord, help us to settle into your truth before it's too late.


Thank you for the great service you provide it's good indeed


Praise be to God.may the truth continue to be taught. Many await to be alerted.God bless.


As an Orthodox I have bones to pick with some of the theology here, but as a deep-dive into Adventism it’s absolutely spectacular


Thanks forma share this great material.


Praise be to God. This accurate and thought provoking. I also find it very informative for every truth seeker.


Very clear presentation, and stunning!
By God's grace may we discern and accept the true message.
