Oculus Quest 30 Day VR Fitness Challenge (With Results)

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Watch my one month journey with my Oculus Quest VR system in order to get fit and lose weight. For exactly 1 month between the dates of the morning of November 1st, 2019, and the morning of December 1st, 2019, I used my Oculus Quest VR system as a fitness tool and this video documents this adventure from beginning to end, including details of the games I used, eating habits and other fun facts. I hope this video will inspire others to follow a more fun and exciting path into the world of Virtual Reality Fitness.

*To anyone wondering how long I played each day; While I didn’t give myself a specific expectation of workout time, I seemed to average around 45 minutes to an hour’ish.
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To anyone wondering how long I played each day; While I didn’t give myself a specific expectation of workout time, I seemed to average around 45 minutes to an hour’ish.


Straight to the point. No finicky vlog shit etc. In love with this type of content! Already earned a sub


The best way to keep your quest all to yourself is to sweat it up! 😆 tip for everyone!


I use a Fitbit watch, and I've been playing PowerbeatsVR. About 2 or 3 mins into playing, my Heart hits my Active Zone, and stays there. Thirty mins of play, gave me 27 mins in the zone.

I've play Beatsaber, and it's a ok game, my friend loves it, but I just can't get into it like he does.

PowerbeatsVR is great. It's a very simple game to play. Not much of a learning curve, and you can add your own music, and it will generate new maps for you.

The game gets you moving back and forth, squatting, jumping, and punching, and it's all pretty mindless, low impact exercise.

A avg length song, around 3 mins or so, will burn around 30 calories, give or take.

That's 3+ mins of constant moving, and the game makes it feel easy to do, which makes doing exercise easy.

After the first day, I burned like 1000 calories in a few hours, but I really started to feel it the next day, my legs were sore, and the next day, my muscles under my shoulder blades were really sore. I honestly didn't think I worked them overly hard, but I guess I was wrong.

I had to take a 6 day break, to let my muscles recover, from just one day of play. :)

I started back again today, and burnt around 300 calories in about a hour, with 52mins in the Active Zone, which is pretty good. Time goes by so fast, is doesn't really feel like a hour.

There are 3 modes, Beginner, Advanced, and Expert.

Beginner is pretty easy, good way to warm up your muscles.

Advanced is what I usually play, and the speed feels just right for me.

Expert feels like your dodging bullets, if you can do it, you'll definitely get a good work out in no time. :)

I will be playing this game as often as I can to lose weight. Hopefully my muscles are in better shape for the demand I'm going to be putting on them for now on.


10 pounds is like 5 kilo pretty much. i am using vr as a fitness tool aswel by playing beat saber and pistolwhip vr.
beatsaber is great for my arms and pistol whip is def a core workout with all the ducking, bobbing and weaving out of harms way.
keep it up man. you can do it. playing games to work out is so much more fun than just going for a walk everyday.


10 lbs ain’t nothing to scoff at, good job dude! I definitely feel like if you play these kind of VR games for at least an hour a day, you can get a decent amount of cardio. And moderating what you eat is definitely key; you’d be surprised how just eating only half of a dish when eating out can reduce the caloric intake.


Thanks for sharing your experience! Keep up the good work. I plan on trying those games!


Great vid bro! you definitely kicked that guys butt!


I came here from the Oculus Quest community. Thanks for sharing.

I have liked and subscribed. Please continue to update. This is very motivating for me as a new Quest owner. 😎


I'm watching this eatin a bag of chips 😂


Hey man, I saw your link on the Oculus Quest Community. Love the positivity and the results you have are outstanding! Keep it up! I have thrill of the fight and im winded mid way through my 2nd fight lol.


Am inspired! I got my quest to help me to be more active now I feel have done something right 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Nice! Great vid! love the edit, your personality, everything! Well done and congrats!


I've been playing beat saber for the last 3 months. I play almost everyday. I haven't lost a lot of weight but I'm way more active that I usually am. Whenever I'm done playing I feel tired but it gets my blood pumping which then leads to me doing either push up or squats or something. Not a whole lot but I never feel like that just sitting on the couch all day.


I play box vr and creed and k.o. league for 50 mins twice a week and lift medium weights twice a week the weight lost process is slow mainly because of my eating habits but I will get there at the end hopefully


Heck ya Bro keep doing it and give a 6 month progress report.


I'm a member in the oqulus quest group on fb. I've seen your post in the classroom before lol😅


what game is the push up's or did u just do it for appearance sake?


It's a year later now. Could you stick with your regime?


Is there some reason why you didn't use Dance Central too or does it not burn enough calories?
