The Commander Social Contract | Learn These Unwritten Rules For Better Games | Magic: The Gathering

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#MagicTheGathering #MTG #commander

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Helpful tip for token decks: if you use paper tokens and make a mass of a certain type, you only need two of those tokens. Have one upright and the other tapped behind that one. then use dice to represent the number of untapped and tapped tokens. Helps keep the board clear and concise.


Opponent: “professor, who are you talking to? Why are you just looking off to the side of the table? Take your turn already! It’s been like 15 minutes!”


Man it seems insane that you have to talk about hygienic habits but it's absolutely a problem and Im glad you put it in the video. I've stopped going to so many LCS because unfortunately people just smell awful and no one does anything about it.


Moxfield is great for showing you what tokens your deck generates, I use it for all my commander decks so I don't have to take apart my deck to make swaps etc


Learn these unwritten rules and watch your opponents continue to break them anyway.


This sounds like now you have to design an official Tolarian Community College Playmat with all zones and trackers


Will like to see a mat with all those zones representing the stack and what not. It would be perfect for spell table and not have to worry about post it notes.


I came just expecting an explanation of what to expect from the pre-game discussion/rule 0 type stuff since I know plenty of players still aren't onto that, was not ready for a whole lot of great out-of-actual-game advice. Wonderfully thorough as always, thank you Prof!


I've noticed actual tokens are important especially with something like my Krenko deck. Cause many times the new tokens can't attack, but the old ones can.

So usually I'll have one token that represents goblins that can't attack and one for ones that can.


As a new commander player I loved this video. It really helps to know some expected etiquette during matches but also high lights the things I’ve found fun when playing commander. It does SUCK to lose but sometimes I’ve had fun watching a friends deck finally pop off and beat another friend who usually wins. I’ve tried to remind myself that this game is bigger than myself and that I am in it for the experience and the people I’ve met the last 4 months. When I appreciate those small things the wins just become something extra sweet rather than the whole pie.


Asking other players at the LGS for advice is super helpful. Many times when I've made new decks, I've been able to ask other players who have played similar themed decks about interaction advice and card upgrades.


Absolutely love you asserting that "power levels" are essentially meaningless and that you outline ways to have a more productive discussion on the subject


This video is excellent. I'm trying to set up an MTG club for my students focused on commander and if it ends up happening I'll 100% be playing this video for them before at the start to set expectations for what the club should be about.


Great video as always. Something I find difficult to approach because so many players have habits because they're normal human beings, but I have misophonia. Which means some sounds evoke an uncontrollable uncomfortable reaction.

Mostly it's just card flicking, but sometimes it's mouth clicking or something similar. I didn't ask to have this reaction but I have it, and the people doing those things aren't being malevolent, so it's a difficult topic to broach because I don't want to sound controlling to have them change something they don't even know they do and I dont want to sound weird in general.


I have never once walked away from a table due to power levels or personality - I feel like among magic players this sort of thing can work itself out over time.
I can't count the number of times I've walked away because the person sitting next to me smelled like a burning dumpster fire. I've left game nights at my LGS early because every open table had a stinker.
Please shower.


"be kind and wear deodorant" words to live by


One thing I would add is if a new player is joining a play group, let the player play they're deck. I've seen far too often (and been a victim of myself) of a new player being ganged up on because the other players don't know about the new players deck. Let everyone have some fun and learn with the new players. You may get surprised.


Thank you for your videos, Prof. I've been playing since Mirage, but I took a long break (until a few years ago). Your videos have done much to maintain my interest in this game as well as make me a better player. I raise a glass to you, good sir!


I feel called into question...I always forget my counters and tokens... >.>

I love that the Prof is basically telling us to wash ourselves :D


So glad I jumped into this game. I used to play yugioh and it’s become so disgustingly toxic. It’s so open and welcoming. Not to mention it evolves in a positive way. Thank you for being a beacon of light.
