432Hz + 528hz + 639Hz | Powerful Miracle Tones Music | Enhance Positive Energy

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A powerful combination of 3 Miracle tones
432Hz - Deeply Calming And Healing Tone
528Hz - Miracle Tone for Raising Positive Energy And Bringing Lasting Positive Transformation
639Hz - Frequency of Love, Compassion and Positive Energy.

We have tried to combine all the 3 frequencies musically and hope that you will like this. The track starts with 432Hz and moves to 528Hz then comes back to 432 Hz and goes to 639Hz, and oscillates between these frequencies. You can also use this along with your meditation - especially chakra meditation for Solar Plexus Chakra and Heart Chakra. Hope this will help you.

~ Infinite Love and Gratitude ~

Copyright ⓒ 2017 Meditative Mind. All Right Reserved.
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I feel this so deep in my soul. I can cry my heart out. Im 40. I know its still young but im tired and in pain. I believe and love natural healing. Ive put my self through alcohol drugs and gambling. Ive had so much anxiety and stress and regrets..ive put myself and my family through too much. Ive had it all (though i thought) and lost it all. Im so tired. I want love peace and strength. Im sick of my phone ...im sick of worrying and about bills and my ego with material crap. I want to walk barefooted in thr grass and sands. Fly high with the birds. I want the wind to blow in my face. I want to heal. I am going to heal and and i am going to redeem! 🙏❤️


This isn’t some joke this has actually changed my life, idk what it is but this has changed my life for the better


I need to share this!! Last night I was listening to this until I get asleep.. (sorry my English) I was dreaming a weird things.. So i was in my dream like listening a voice, some kind of prayer it was really weird.. So i wake up like 6 am whith the words very clear in my head and i write them in a hurry.. Im not a prayer fan, not in this way, i meditate every night and give thanks to God but im not very religious.. Well this came to me, i need to share with you:
"Lord, I thank you for giving me one more day to enjoy your divine creation on earth and at the same time be able to live in the miracle of your eternal kingdom, the one that can not be touched with the weight of our hands, but that is the home of our ethereal soul, where the eyes do not see but the expression of your blessed presence is the love you give me in each breath i take.. Thank you for the fact that your kingdom is on earth and you allow us and invite us to access it, the eternal kingdom of heaven, where miracles happen all the time to those who want and can see"..
Well this is one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me, and I need to share with you.. I was listening this video for a week ago to meditate and get asleep.. Is beautiful and I think this kind of prayer came to me because of the state of mind that I was achieved by listening this.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.. God bless you all ❤🙏


If you are 🌼 reading this right now, I just want you to know that you are enough, and your opinion matters. 🌼 Stay strong, you’ve 🌼 got this! Let the music take your mind and just go with it.. 🌼


Man! Metro stations in LA need to have this playing all through out, even on the trains. So much negative energy around these areas


Lolz, I started feeling so amazing immediately after putting this video on so I decided to read some comments. It made me smile even more. I am so happy to be on this planet with you all! SO MUCH LOVE!!!


I'm struggling with addiction of class A drugs. I keep doing them even though I'm seriously risking my life every time. It makes me feel good for about 2 seconds and stops the craving, but then I start panicking knowing my body can't take any more. I'm scared, and worried that I might not be able to stop. I'm scared that my willpower might never be strong enough to overpower this monstrous thing. This music is the only thing that is helping. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it. I never post things like this, and I don't really know why I am now. I just wanna say thank you for helping me with this.


Be aware of your breathing. Notice how this takes attention away from your thinking and creates space. Eckhart Tolle 💖


These frequencies are one of the finest tools needed to become a true spiritual Warrior


The combination of these 3 frequencies is ideal for me. I've noticed it helps optimize love, health and positivity in my life.


My anxiety is at its worst around 4am -6am every damn day! Heart pounding, irrational panic, for no reason. I’ve tried a lot of sound therapy and this particular frequency helps BIG TIME. Keeps these waves of panic at bay long enough for me to work through it. Thank you for this. It’s literally a life saver


Who else got tingling all over their body?..🙋‍♀️ this sound was amazing.


For all those that eyes view this message your voice matters, your opinion matters your thoughts, matter your very existents, you as a person a living human being you matter, look in the mirror and know that you are your self know that you are loved even when u don't receive much of it, know you are love and that ( You 100% percent matter) know this from the very depths of your soul and heart.


I started listening to this song by last week, then I applied for a job. I got a job offer yesterday. I don't know is it a coincidence? But, this is so amazing! Thank you so much for posting this video on youtube. Hopefully, my next career will be awesome.


Good morning beautiful souls ❤️ you guys look the past is gone so let it go forgive everyone and yourself it's done no more punishment for yourself or others okay let's start today talking about great stuff be greatful for everything you love and desire in life and you shall have it once we don't harm anyone else or ourselves and beautiful mother earth and live in love peace and harmony with everyone even if the do not act the same way to us we know that the are amazing so we treat people that way and look for nothing for being kind and generous to everyone and look for the good in them and watch how your life will change one person can make every difference in this beautiful universe ❤❤❤I wish you all the very best life has to offer you ❣️❣️❣️ thanks for the amazing wonderful beautiful new day and music great job 🙏❤️❤


Amazing! It's no coincidence this is set at 1:11:11. But there are no coincidences, and just today I seen 11:11 AM and 1:11 PM on my phone. Synchronicity and manifestation is on the way!


I have figured out how to keep my energys balanced an emotions within zen even outside of the retention state. What an interesting development. I wonder still, if my development is taken with me when i leave for my next body, I think we all will always wonder such a think. It feels so good, to be so healthy, to feel so good, to finally be truly content. Truly settled. An i found it by letting go of everything an everyone. I was forced to find the truth, real happiness from within that isnt dependent on anything outside. Its so spectacular, to be so unmovable. Even by my own movements of energy. The its so calm an stress free inside me. Even with everything around us being destroyed. I have found true enlightenment for myself. I'm just here to merely observe now, an breath this sweet sweet air.


Love how the different frequencies affect you differently. Such amazing thing. Good vibes to each and everyone out there


One of my favorites. I listened to this one a lot after some intense challenges and trauma a couple years ago, and then today I was drawn to it again. It’s magical.


Believe and you will see. Believe and you will hear. Believe and you will feel. Regardless of faith, your angels are always there for you - just believe and they will be there xxx
