He's either a liar, a lunatic, or... (Season 2, Episode One)

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Imagine having an intimate moment like this with the LORD 😢. Time and time again The Chosen does this so perfectly. The balance of humanity, wonder and awesomeness. This left me breathless. Getting to see what it must've been like for John. And making me want that for myself.


"I am who I am"
Jesus just declared himself God! Praise God hallelujah!!


By just those words he said to John, I am who I am John right there realized this is GOD in the flesh


Our Lord Jesus Christ is the GREAT “I AM” and so far beyond our comprehension that the Lord gave us enough understanding to know Him enough to the point that matters but we, in our human forms will never get it all the way. That said, the beauty and grace and mercy of the Father permits us to know Him as far as we can and WANT to know Him. He’s the most beautiful being I have ever come to know, I say that with unexpected tears. There is none like Him. 🩵


The look Jesus gives John after he says the perturbed “almost”. 😂
Jesus is portrayed so humanising and I feel like that’s one of the many reasons people find this show so relatable❤


Mr. Roumie, you are in God's hands. Thank you for your special life. God is using you and directing the world to know Jesus Christ. Thank you for living out the will of God in your life. My prayers and blessings are always for you!


Him just smiling at John after he said "almost" in an annoyed tone, causing him to say it again but nicely, was pretty funny and powerful to me


None of us is worthy..we are ALL sinners saved by the grace of God, a very good, very loving God


Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”


"I AM WHO I AM" lives in us!❤️✝️🙏


Tears well up in my eyes when I think of Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man yet without sin. Compared to Him I am a stain, a blot on a white wedding dress but cover me with Christ, with His blood and the stain, the blot is vanished and I am His and He is mine and this is the testimony of every Christian.

None can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Hymn: Robert Lowry.


The actor did such a good job of the way he looks at all his people. So much love in his eyes ❤


Such a good scene, , , can you imagine being face to face with the Master, , the great I Am!!


I Love You With All My Heart, My Soul, My Mind And My Strength Lord. I Will Never Leave Your Side ❤️🙏🏼


Jesus reveals that he is human yet divine when he says to John 'I AM who I AM. That look on John's face that he was seeing God was so touching.


I am who I am imagine Jesus saying that to your face.. I’m glad they put this in the show.. showing a moment where Jesus fully
Blatantly says I am God


When we come to the revelation that Jesus did what he did as a man with the help of the holy Spirit, then we realized what has been done for us. He dethroned himself to become a meer man out of CHOICE. He was only allowed to operate as a man with the help of the holy spirit and full surrender and dependence of the Father. ( and example for how we should live) For the joy set before him which was to redeem us. It's the most beautiful story that could ever be told. Thank you chosen team for capturing this on film! Also the reality of how our God wants to include us in his work, it's such a privilege. He had made our lives the most meaningful.


It's so wonderful to know that the Lord really is our friend.


1 In the beginning[b] was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2 He was in the beginning with God.
3 [c]All things came to be through him,
and without him nothing came to be.
What came to be 4 through him was life,
and this life was the light of the human race;
5 [d]the light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1


Jesus knew he had power over all but he was so humble and unique 💖 that's what makes him so special
