What is Layman's Terms

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Explain it to me. In terms I wont understand.

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I knew what cylinders were in KINDERGARTEN. seriously basic shapes


As a preschool teacher I actually applauded you for using the term cylinders, especially if you are pointing or connecting the word with a physical object in some way, language is learned through exposure so by using it you are in essence teaching it


Thank you for not explaining a single bit what Laymans terms means.


I am angry at whatever person told you that second graders don't know "cylinder." I teach my preschoolers "cylinder." Yes, it's a complex word for them, but it is within their zone of proximal development and therefor developmentally appropriate. On the grading scales that I have to submit, to be ready for kindergarten, my students should be able to name and describe many different two and three dimensional shapes. So if those second graders don't know cylinder, their teachers suck.


In theatre right is left, left is right, up is down, and down is up.


once upon a time, there was a man, and he had a son. the sin had a doll from his dad. he went to a place that his dad had dreamed about once, but it wasn't the same, unless he traded his son for eternal youth (and perfect eyebrows) the boy, named Rumpelstiltskin, named his doll after his dad, Peter Pan. rumple did many things, he had a wife and a son, until his wife ran off with Killion Jones, a pirate, later to be captain hook, when rumple cuts of his hand. rumple, becomes the Dark One. his son runs away to a world without magic, the son, bellefire, is now called Neal. Neal meets someone in new York named Emma. Emma is the orphan daughter of snow white and prince charming, who they had to send away because the evil queen tried to kill her. but Emma and Neal met, dated, and Emma was pregnant. Neal ran out, right before that, because of Pinocchio, but that's another story. Emma had the baby boy, and immediately have him up got adoption. she lives her life for twelve years until her son came back knocking on her door. he lead her to a town called Storybrooke main, where Emma met his adoptive mother, Regina. Regina is the evil queen, (daughter of the red queen) and put a curse on a bunch of fairy tale charecters who don't remember who they really are, and think they have lived there forever.

and a lloonngg time later, Neal dies, and Emma's true love is captain hook.

and Emma's son Henry, yeah, his adoptive mother is his great-step-grandma.

and so much more, that's not even 1/1000 of it.


My library uses the CREW method in their weeding. They also use patron data and damage amounts to determine if an item needs weeding. The most common damage done is to the joints, front and back panels, or tears in the flyleaf. Many of these problems can be fixed using nonacidic glue or tape but some are simply too extensive. Thus they have to be weeded.


Today I discussed why patients taking the antiretrovirals tenofovir, emtricitabine, and atazanavir can experience an increase in bilirubin and that as long as it is not accompanied by concurrent increases in serum transaminases the appropriate response is to continue their therapy and monitor for signs and symptoms of liver failure or disfunction.


Well lets see, I am currently an intern for a hydrologic analysis company. We take different areas and do varying types of water analysis. Currently I have been delineating watersheds for these different basins in california. What i do is i start at the outfall point of the basin and follow both the contours and the sewer channels to figure out where the boundary of all the water flowing into this basin would be. I then have to take that area and use it to find the peak flow rate given a certain year storm to determine whether that basin will overflow or be ok. I also have to factor in the average rainfall, region equation, slope, and many other things to find that peak flow. In the end we give the company a yes or no for the basin.


In mathematics, an abelian group is one in which the commutative property holds for the group's elements and its binary operation.

Also, last comment!!


Did you know that when a equine gets thrush you have to treat it imedetatly otherwise it will affect the hooves, fetlocks, and slowly start rotting the hoof away. Do you have any idea what I was talking about.


I know I'm late but: to ask for a canter, ensure your horse has a bouncy trot, so they have enough energy for the canter but they are not running into the canter. Ask for an inside bend when teaching the corner, put your outside leg behind the girth, to ensure the horse leads with the correct leg, and squeeze with your inside leg, following up with a tap behind your leg with a whip if necessary. Once into a canter, move your hands in a similar motion to the horses head to prevent pulling on the bit, and confusing the horse by making it think you are wanting to trot again, and your seat should be rolling along with the horses back. When ready to trot again, ask for a half-halt a few strides before squeezing the reins tighter until the horse goes into a trot.


When you are riding a horse you must keep your legs firm & heels down in the stirrups so that you don't get your foot loose & accidentally kick the horse. It's also super important to trust that the horse will carry you safely because it can feel if you distrust it. You must keep a tight enough hold on the reins to maintain control but not so tight that the horse stops.


I know this is 3 years to late but...
Since I'm a Balloon Artist I thought I would explain how to make a simple monkey.

first I inflate the Balloon using my diaphragm, then tie the nozzle, then make a petal twist the size of my hand followed by a pinch twist a 2 inch bubble and another pinch twist, then I pinch twist it all together, then twist a 2 inch bubble followed by a 1 inch bubble and another 1 inch bubble and a 2 inch bubble, then twist them together, then a 3 inch bubble for the body and 2 3 inch bubbles for the back legs, then do a roll through and massage the tail.

I hope that was confusing.

1 last thing.
last comment.


3 minutes and 32 seconds to say, "simple language that anyone can understand". Which by the way you never say.
As a layman, I don't think you know what you're talking about. <<< = Layman's terms.


What makes the DD edge so great is its recessed cutting edges. With this design the blade only need sharpening once every 5-7 years. Any CUTCO fans?


In the ballet classes I'm taking we are working on double pirouettes, pique tours and chaines en pointe, entrechat quatre and entrechat cinq, and cabrioles. We are also working a lot on extension during developpes and elevation during jumps. 


The Doppler Effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by the relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer


While treating a client today I found that they had increased hypertonicity around their superior angle on the left side causing increased fibrosity through levator scapulae. They also had trigger points through the belly of their left rhomboid major and splenius cervicis that were referring up into the head, thereby causing tension type headaches. O/I work seemed to release TPs through the area, but less pressure had to be employed seeing as anything greater than a few pounds caused fasciculation. The scapula is noticeably winged on the left side and more focus should be put upon releasing the lateral rotator cuff muscles during the next treatment.
That is the end of that. I find that it depends on your job description. We actually had classes where we had to use only layman's terms to describe what we were doing to potential clients. You almost have to make a clear delineation in your mind of "real people speech" and "work speech". It is a hard thing to get your head around at first, but, as with most things, practice helps. I also don't think it's too much to ask to think a kid would know what a cylinder is, but who am I to judge...?         


In AD&D to hit an enemy you must roll a d20 and then check the result subtracting bonuses then checking your THAC0 if your result is under there AC you hit.
