is Quick Connect Secure for Synology?

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Quick connect is an easy way to access your NAS outside of your home. But it it secure?

#QuickConnect #Synology #ransomware

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I appreciate the deep dive into how Quick Connect works under the hood. Your channel was a fantastic resource to me while shopping for (an setting up) my Synology NAS. Thanks for putting out such high quality videos. They really make a difference for new Synology users!


Well done, Will! Great video to educate and help us understand a little more detail of how QC works. QC is great for my small business. Thanks again! 👍🏽


I was trying to set up DDNS with custom domain just to avoid brutforce offload of quickconnect addresses and knowing that someone potentially can see my Synology web address, but I was not successful with DDNS. So decided to open quickconnect and give admin account random 80 character password and different name. With 12character passwords for other users. So based on you information i am fairly safe then. Nothing is 100% on the internet. Thank you for the video.


I find all your videos to be very informative, based on solid research, and superbly done. I found this one in particular to be especially useful, as it has given me the best and most relevant information that anyone has done on this topic. Kudos and many thanks!


I'm absolutely not a fan which hardware Synology offers for the money they asking but on software side it's the best in Nas world for home users.


Thanks for doing this topic. I’ve been using it assuming it’s safe, but it’s good to have confirmation.


I'd be really interested in comparing QC to Tailscale in two key respects :
1) Synology appears to "take calls" from both your local and remote devices and then hand off that connection so that it's direct. If I understand correctly, an open port on the router is still required ? Or is that port only opened upon request of QC ?
2) How much better or worse is file sharing on QC vs Tailscale ?


Thanks for the video. I’m new to Synology and all of your content has been fantastic!

Is there any way to tell when Quick Connect is going through the relay server vs direct WAN connection (or hole punch)?


im glad you made this. if you read forums the general consensus is use a vpn connection or youre an idiot. i use quickconnect and all users use 2 factor auth. ive never had an issue and the nas just works. cheers


I have one very quick question. So I have 4 different synology NAS units two at my home and two at my work. I use QuickConnect on all of them for remote access to DSM as well as file transfers. The issue I am facing is that QuickConnect file transfer speeds on three of them are seemingly capped for some reason at around 300KBs whereas the fourth unit is running at near full sustained network speed at my home which is around 1.2MBs. Is there a way I can get the other three units to speed up the transferring of files remotely or is this not possible?


When using QC, can I block certain ports somehow? I'm comparing it to IPv4 where is ist a good Idea bo block all ports on your router and forward what you definitely need.


You failed to mention that if you truly want to be secure you never enable quickconnect without MFA . Synology’s own secure sign in app is great for MFA. So turn on MFA and quick connect plus a very long address you should be safe


Can you manualy set up DSM and Mikrotik router to use hole punching? Or if you set a port forwarding manualy will quickconnect use it for direct tunnel, instead of going through relay server?


Thanks Will, again a very informative video. What would have helped me even more would have been a comparison of Twingate and Quickconnect. Since you published the Twingate Video just 3 days earlier I am now asking myself, what is the best solution for me.


Great video! Thanks :)

I would love to have you do case study type videos for the home user such as, and this is what I'd really like, the ability to have your Synology act like Dropbox.

I simply want to have a folder and deposit files and then send anyone a link to download said file.

Is this possible? I have heard of Synology Drive, but it seems rather involved and I was hoping for something more accessible to home users.


Goodday Spacerex Syno Obi-wan, i got a question my Syno is taking endless time writing, scanning and what not, sometimes like a week. I read more user have these problems over the years, but i never found a reason, and even better a solution, im about th reset the whole thing and start anew. Have you got any Obi-wan news or tips ? Thanks for the great video's ! Very help and insightfull.


Thanks Will, another great video and very reassuring. I would value your thoughts on moving up to Tailscale at some point, when you get time.


Do you have a tutorial video anywhere on how to disconnect quick connect and connect a different way? I would like to install tailscale but can't do that when on via quick connect?


Almost a year has passed. I am new in that theme, is there any positive changes about "showing my NAS to all the World"? I tried to make some hard settings(https, inner vpn, ports, router end so on) but I don't sure that I did everything. I want hide my NAS and make it maximum secured, but I feel that am not as experienced in those stuff and it's easier to simply use that QC+2fa.


Thanks Will, very awesome, makes me more in peace after seeing this
