Python vs. Scala - which one should YOU learn?

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to give my thoughts on whether you should learn python or scala in 2019. There are a lot of considerations to make when picking the best programming language to learn, hopefully I can help!
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I needed to use spark as a data engineer (Jr) and as soon as I wrote some code I fell in love with Scala. It is BEAUTIFUL. I like doing math and I think Scala is really relatable if you have that 'mathematical thinking'. I'm really into learning Scala deeply just for fun =)


I started a degree in data science half a year ago and I was a bit weirded out that we're being taught Scala and not Python. It seems these days that Python is the way to go for analysing data, but I'm now starting to understand that Scala might allow me to achieve more. It's probably the better tool for "professionals".


I really really admire Scala developers!


I'm mainly a Java developer. I had the opportunity to do a job in Elixir. It took some time to adapt to functional programming and pattern matching.
But once you get it, wow, that's amazing. I think that the main requirements for calling something functional is:
How much you avoid mutation and side effects.
So I think many people call something functional just because you've streams and lambdas. But that's not what makes your code functional.
Immutability, pure functions, side effect free, pattern matching, those are thing I would dream to be part of the top languages.
Scala certainly supports functional programming very well. Python I doubt it. It has qualities of course, but we cannot say that it a functional language.
Unfortunately, it will still take some time before we get there.


Lucky enough to be in a gig for which Scala is a must learn skill. But, I'm enjoying learning Python, too. I find that much of what I learn in FP is transferrable to Python. Finally hanging up my Perl spurs after 20 years. Change is good. Nice vid and glad I watched it.


I liked these sort of videos, thanks. Talking about differences, strengths, weaknesses of a language may really help programmers draw the bigger picture and understand the language.


even tho scala isnt as popular, i see more job offers for scala (or java that also requires scala) than python

i myself love scala cuz once you get used to the language, i find it simpler to program on it rather than on java due to less verbosity


Scala 3 will change things a lot because it will be much more precise and clear.
Implicit s will move to gives which is a much smoother to read.
The defining of DSL with scala is rock n roll if you you're trying to define a business domain.
I think the introduction into the language has to be much more high level.


I have been working with both and i have to say that for anything Big Data i prefer Scala. Python just feels weak when you start to work with over 5 Million Datapoints. It still works but it just takes alot longer.


Every new release of spark has it shifting more towards being python and sql focused in its api. So many data scientist, analysts, and data engineers are shifting to big data, and they don't want to use scala.


with scala you learn a different programming paradigm. after learning scala I'm able to think n write code in much better way. it's mostly immutable, functional styled, pure functions and terse but still easier to understand. unfortunately scala does not have big market but definitely recommend learning it. you will enjoy the way you can write functions in it.


I know that scala is pretty hard when you come from Object-oriented programming such as Java or Python; however; it becomes much easier when you learn a purely functional programming before as Haskell. I’ve actually spent many months trying to think in a functional way but it was too much difficult to get the fluency in it. Then, I learned Haskell, and finally Scala become much easier to code.
Anyway, I really liked the way that you approach this very important subject. Congrats!


Super well explained, thank you. Yes, please make more videos, especially ones that compare different programs.


Python? Scala? Why not both?! I choose you, Julia!


Scala 3 null pointers are gone. Monads seem scary but so you're protected to from accessing a collection outside the bound or you're missing one element.
The new tasty compiler makes using extreme powerful type system way more concise. Adding functional to library classes with extension methods are magical. The new simplified implicit syntax with using and given makes reasoning about code way easier.
So I am sure scala will get way more traction after the huge improvement scala 3 and the faster compilet.


i'm java developer and python programmer. i suggest for data science for learn scala because scala is too fast. more than 10 times faster than python so scala is good. and also for java developers scala is easy to learn and also work tougher with java and scala. scala is good for java lovers. like me.


It is a Saturday, and the weather is absolutely perfect outside here in the Bay Area, and well no wonder I, a software engineer, am listening this while working on my Scala code 🤣


Thanks for the clarity. I love working with computers and have been really anxious about learning to speak either language lol


There arent many more honest opinion than this on language comparison. The guy should become a yoda. :))


Your videos are really good..please pleas please continue making your high quality content...👏👏👌👌
