Immunising Your Investments: Sensible Investing Through A Global Pandemic

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In 2017, Andrew was honoured to contribute a guest chapter to Harriman House’s prestigious “New Book of Investing Rules” alongside investment greats such as John Bogle, Anthony Bolton and Gervais Williams. The title of the chapter was: “How to invest so that crashes don’t matter."

Andrew believes that the unprecedented volatility in so many financial market so far in 2020 have served as a reminder of how important this idea is. It is crucial that we calibrate our investments for all seasons - that we “immunise” them. In this timely talk, Andrew will explain how anyone can build a suitably “immunised" portfolio by using two fundamental and elegant approaches to how they invest:

First, broadly optimised asset-allocation based on the idea of “100 minus your age”.
Secondly, ensuring that you “own the world” - that is to say that you ensure that you have investments in all major asset classes and in all major regions of the world.
When used together, these two broad approaches to investment will maximise your chances of making consistent and significant investment returns and, arguably even more importantly, minimise your stress levels along the way. As part of his talk, Andrew will explain how important it is to invest rather than to trade and the importance of completely and utterly ignoring "the news” as part of that process. He will also explore the role of technology and the importance of "Moore’s law" for your thought process - arguably the most important theme in human history - for investment and for lots else besides.


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Love his books but his fund is not performing to well at the moment 📉


Thanks Andrew, fantastic presentation. It was eye opening for me. I have really enjoyed your book and looking forward to invest in your fund.


@andrew craig, I seen that you have a lot of following and good results on selling your book, but if i check your fund is mostly break even for the last 4 years . I seen in this interview that you are focus on protecting the downside but have you took in consideration the loss of purchasing power based on Inflation ?


Just finished the book and starting journey. So much to learn and so interesting!
