ping or ssh instance from my computer Openstack

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ping or ssh my cirros instance from my computer Openstack

The instance is assigned to a security group that has a security rule that opens port 22 for incoming communications.

lauch cirrOS instance linked to the private network, and to which I associated a floating IP, I can ping my instance via the floating IP or private IP from Ubuntu

ip netns
qrouter-3e911d39-0882-42cb-bf99-66b62787eb09 (id: 1)
qdhcp-ec7d67fb-18c4-4b04-ba55-ec5483543d55 (id: 0)

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this is something really weird about OpenStack, I have a router which has reachability to the instance in private network routed by the router, I have security group which allows ssh from my public subnet, I can ping to the instance but I cannot ssh, the ssh was always interrupted, I must assign a floating ip to the instance which I want to ssh to, to be honest I think this is stupid, EVE-NG itself uses KVM can do virtual routing better than this.


In my case, the ip netns won't showing up, how to solve this?
