$14 Billion in TAX REFUNDS Is on the way! 💨

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The IRS is sending over 12 million tax refunds totaling $14 billion to taxpayers with incorrect 2020 filings! This fix is for those who filed their own returns and included ALL their unemployment compensation without subtracting out the first $10,200 – get your refunds! #irs #taxrefunds #2020taxreturns #backtaxes #taxdebt #taxrelief #badrantax #taxtok #irs #taxprofessional #penalties #taxattorney #taxlawyer #taxhelp #taxrefund #taxes #revoked #tax #taxwriteoff #knowyourrights #taxproblems #irsagent #taxresolution #debtfree #debtfreejourney #taxrelief #debtfreecommunity #unemploymentcompensation #taxtips