World of Warships - Why is the Massachusetts OP?

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A unique armour quirk makes Alabama and Massachusetts insanely strong at close range.

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And, you know:
-The special heal that can easily match the damage you'll take under focused fire even if you don't spec for survivability, something the german BBs don't have despite being brawlers.
-The armor scheme that makes it quite hard for AP bombs to get citadels on you, something the RU BBs don't have despite being meant to tank obscene amounts of damage.
-The great torpedo protection that makes it easier to survive pushes against ships with torpedoes, something that german BBs also don't have.
-The incredibly accurate secondaries with great firing angles that are effective even when you don't spec for them, again unlike the german BBs.
-The fact it has all that while also packing one of the most powerful broadsides of the tier with only slightly below average accuracy.
Those things might also have something to do with why Massachusetts is so OP


I'm glad I bought that ship. Only bought for secondaries but this makes it even better lol


Nice video sir. So wargaming messed up and we have to South Dakota class battleships that actually had their armor scheme that works the way it was designed to. Now they could just remember it's the same armor on the Iowa class oh well


That's really interesting...also explains why I routinely citadel Massas in my Amagi at 13-18km


Its kind of a been an unspoken truth that Mass has been considered OP. Its WR on all servers is head and shoulders above every other BB for its tier. WG knows what theyre doing, they know NA whales and freedomboos cant resist this.


And here I was thinking that it was because she had decent guns paired with her Speedy Gonzales-grade repair teams. Just in general, everything about Big Mamie is either above-average or great, and its her solid traits overall that combine to make her outstanding. North Carolina is pretty good as well, but Mamie is just more fun.


Do bear in mind that this applies more to AP with flat trajectories, like Kremlin and the other Soviets, while ships like North Carolina, with shells that plunge even at close quarters, are actually capable of citadelling you if they get lucky enough. That being said, it's best if you angle in your Massachusetts. Don't go around pretending to be a Smolensk to flex your unhittable citadel


Ichase: Massachusetts and Alabama can't be citadelled under the most situations :)

WG: Hold my beer lets rise the citadel of the Massachusetts and the Alabama :)


I have citadelled the Mass/Alabama only 3 times. All of them were at long range (16-19 km) while the ships were broadside but turning in towards me, raising the close side of the citadel higher up. Also, all 3 times were while I was using an NC, which has good accuracy AND slow shells with plunging fire which allow the shells to make it below the waterline and into the citadel.


Very cool. Generally speaking I don't like USN BBs but found myself actually enjoying my Alabama. I couldn't really figure it out but with this, now I think I know why. If Mass didn't require a special captain build requiring a 19 point captain to make her function properly (full secondary build), I would probably buy the Mass. Unfortunately I don't have the patience to grind up a new captain from zero where I have to play dozens if not several hundred battles while in a not competitive state before the Mass gets fun to play, nor do I want to render my Missouri captain less effective in the Missouri running with a secondary build that the Missouri can't take advantage of, in order to be effective in the Mass. End of day, WG captain system sucks.


For reason I don't know, I once dev strike a Massachusetts with my Minnesota around 12 km. 100 to 0 in 1 salvo, 4 citadel hits with some pen damage. I think I still have that replay.


The other American BBs have an easy time citadeling the south Dakotas. I've one shot deleted an Alabama with a Montana from 12km though high velocity BBs will struggle


I have no counter argument to anything you said. I would just like to say I triple citadeled an Alabama in my Roma. Of course because Roma all three shells were from the back turret alone 😂😂


Kinda funny how people complain about Russian bias but leave this rather large elephant in the room distinctly unspoken. I'd be willing to bet they'd called Vladivostok OP but rabidly defend their Massachusetts.


I know this is probably an unpopular opinion but i much prefer the NC to the Massachusetts just because of the difference in accuracy is just worlds apart. Tbh the only reason i still play Mass is because she's a premium ship and she gets credits rolling in, but her guns are not that fun to use.


so by design "not in real life mind you they where part of the same ships classes as there tech tree counter parts" the mass and alabama are more vulnerable to plunging fire rather then straight up shell fire. A good demonstration of ballistics and shell trajectory making a difference. Meanwhile the Porto Rico has a armor plate on top of the cidel you cant even see in game that makes is really hard to cidel.


Thanks for this. Now I know I want Massa for brawling. Your videos and analysis are always top notch.


The Iowa and Missouri should have something similar because they had the exact same armor scheme as the South Dakota's


This all started because of the Bismark vs Massachusetts 1v1 on stream.


I've noticed that the Mass rear turret gunners to be clutch citadel gunners on YTers.
