Why I Keep Playing World of Warships: Legends After 5 Years

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One of the best examples of a why this game is still great. No, these kinds of close battles where the outcome is decided in the last 30 seconds are not exactly common, but they happen often enough to keep me playing.

#wowslegends #xarkun
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Loving the Michelangelo. Grinding out this week’s, weeklies was torture to then get the big mike my week brightened up. Hard to get high scoring games but it’s so much fun.


Me too xarkun, and one has to remember; there are a lot of ppl who just don't give a shit. Just having fun with big boom. Zero strategy. Which makes those good games rare


100% agree, it's what I call the Sugar Ray Leonard versus Mike Tyson approach


I can agree with Xarkun on what the likely majority of the players enjoy...big ships, big guns that go boom-boom.

It's the age of instant gratification, which explains why American football and basketball are more beloved more than the former national pastime of baseball....which implemented rules last year to speed things up in an attempt to mitigate those time-eating, clock-devouring, mind goes elsewhere pauses that the game can provide in spades....

The trouble with Xarkun is that he gets his kicks playing 3-D chess out there...i bet he's played Axis & Allies, RISK and conventional chess at least once or twice in his lifetime, if not more.

He is the Grosse Pointe Stratego Champion of 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, & 2018.

All kidding aside I do get what he's saying....

And that's hard to find in WoW Legends....people who love the long game seldom come here, but when they do, it's a site to behold in a video or live. It keeps them
coming back for a while

Xarkun is among a small group of Vulcans in WoW Legends who are forced to socialize with those who have the attention span of the common red squirrel 🐿️ of Central Park.


GGs. Richie eventually figured it out. Well played.


Haven't bought Kitikaze yet but you're making it look good in this one. Always nice when we get battles like this, GG👍


My favourite DD in the game personally


I feel like a lot people are just playing to get their own missions done, for the campaign or whatever. They don’t care about the outcome or teamplay.
Also I noticed a lot of victories are thrown at the end. People just have to get that extra kill or damage at the end, but if they had run away they would have won on points…


Inspired by the video, I took out Akizuki (I don't have Kitakaze) and put up a 3626xp carry.


Good day Xarkun. Would you be able to do a review on AL Chapy since she was nerfed recently?


The answer to Xarkun question about why he continues to play this game is because of well.... underwater destroyers are on the way and he's waiting for them underwater destroyers.


Imagine implementing some sort of skill matching so the team have the same amount of potato's to lemons


I am another 5 year player and I was getting tired of being on the losing side of the constant one-sided blow outs. So I left after I got my schill and played a few games with it. Now wowl is sitting next to the WoT game in my un-installed section. Wot has the same problem as wowl


My idea is to put color coded "zones" in the game seen on the Map and mini map. With the "Zones" being color coordinated to your class of ship and these "Zones" would provide bonus xp and damage while in your Classes "Zone". So that the casual potato players will lumber into their respective areas of engagement. What do you think?


Overtime versus all at once well that equates to patience something that is sadly devoid in this game


I see your vid. you rip apart reds with your guns.
my kitakaze teammates generally use it as a torp boat avoiding to use the guns at all costs . guess how that ends 😅


i’ve been playing ever since the repulse


Comon no offense but not all of us have time to play full time family men working men so yes casual players are a big part of the player base
