Analog ICs | Dr. Hesham Omran | Lecture 02 Part 2/2 | Circuits and Systems Review

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Analog Integrated Circuit Design | Dr. Hesham Omran | Lecture 02 Part 2/2 | Circuits and Systems Review
English subtitles contributed by Eng. Ahmad Kamal
Topics covered in this video:
- Laplace Transform
- Impulse Response and Step Response
- Poles and Zeros
- Real and Complex Poles
- LHP and RHP Poles
- Frequency Response
- First-Order LPF
- Bode Plot Rules
- First-Order LPF Bode Plot
- First-Order LPF Impulse Response and Step Response
- First-Order HPF
- First-Order HPF Bode Plot
- Second-Order LC LPF
- Second-Order System Poles
- Ringing and Peaking
Integrated Circuits Laboratory (ICL)
Electronics and Communications Eng. Dept.
Faculty of Engineering
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
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المحاضرة بالظبط كأنك في اوضة عتمة و حد ولع النور
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Thank you so much, Professor Hesham. I have a question about this lecture. I see that a higher Q factor is associated with ringing and peaking, which are undesirable as you – thankfully – explained. On the other hand, as I understand, systems with low Q factors are described as energy lossy and are apparently unfavorable as well. If that's the case, then what values are considered "good" for the Q factor of a system? What should we optimize for in tuning the Q factor of a system?

Thanks in advance.


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As-salamu Alaykum Dr. Hesham,
firstly, thanks for your lecture it was really engaging.
secondly, Could you post the slides and notes.

Thanks very much in advance.
