Robot | IBM i Automation Series: Robot Schedule Week - The Basics
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Robot Schedule is a staple in thousands of IBM i data centers. As IT pros move from company to company, they request Robot Schedule by name. Why? Robot Schedule reliably runs complex business and system processes every day all around the globe.
With a powerful tool like this at your disposal, you want to make sure that newcomers on your team, or veterans who never had the opportunity, understand how it works to maximize its value. Here’s your chance!
During this webinar series you will learn what every beginner should know about Robot Schedule as well as tips and tricks for the veterans. Three of our product experts will provide the guidance. When you attend, expect to learn about:
• Day 1 – The Basics:
Scheduling options, exceptions, dependencies, calendars, and report distribution
• Day 2 – Operations:
Activity Monitor, reporting, HA, job monitors, audits, alerting, and Robot Schedule's browser view
• Day 3 – Advanced Tips:
Dynamic variables, file events, OPAL, cross-platform dependencies, job query, interactive automation, and export/import
Whether you’ve used Robot Schedule for a month, a year, or a decade (or longer), always ask yourself and your team: Can we automate this? With Robot Schedule, you can—and you should!
Watch now!