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How to work with Bastet in deity work is the basis for todays video. Bastet, or Bast, as the Egyptians called this Goddess, was known as the Goddess of protection. Bastet is an extraordinary deity with a lot to offer to new people starting deity work. But whether its beginner deity work, deity work for beginners, or deities in witchcraft, we can all agree that it can be a little nerve wrecking at times. This video will explain the Goddess Bastet in her truest forms. It will also give some insight into Bastet Mythology through ancient Egypt and how she was portrayed through time. For any beginner witch who may be looking for some good beginner witch tips in deity work, this will be the video for you. This will also help with those who have been practicing for quite some time who may be looking for some good, raw knowledge on how to start working with Bastet in deity work. The Goddess Bastet is an awesome deity and this video will explain it in full. I really hope this video is helpful to all and as always Blessed Be 🌒🌕🌘


0:00 - 0:48 - INTRO TO BASTET

0:48 - 3:26 - BASTET MYTHOLOGY

3:26 - 4:37 - STORY ON BASTET


5:34 - 6:44 - LIQUID OFFERINGS

6:44 - 7:20 - HERB OFFERINGS

7:20 - 8:21 - FOOD OFFERINGS



9:34 - 10:01 - CANDLE OFFERINGS

10:01 - 10:53 - CRYSTAL OFFERINGS


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Thank you all so much for watching! I know this was a long time coming and its been awhile since a deity video, so I hope this one was good for the spirit and hope you all enjoyed! Please Like and Subscribe, leave a comment below as well if you would like to know anything more on Bastet! Blessed be to all who see!


Back in December my 🐈 passed away unexpectedly leaving us distraught. When he passed I promised myself I would never get another 🐈 again bc the heartbreak of his loss was too much. Fast forward, last week I literally woke up on Saturday and decided that I was ready to get another cat. So I went to the ASPCA to adopt a cat with no luck. I was devastated. I tried in vain to see were else I could get a kitty with no luck. I was heart broken. No lie, when I thought of giving up, I kept having flashes of images of Bastet in my mind, by that same night, I was gifted 2 kittens. I couldn't believe it, and I now know Bastet is real and blessed me with these 2 babies. I give thanks to Bastet for this most beautiful blessing


Bastet is so sweet and she's a party girl, lol. I'm certain she's been with me since my mom was pregnant with me.
Btw, Bastet loves it when you summon her and play music. Dance with her, basically have a little party with her. She absolutely loves it💖


Bastet is my matron goddess! She is definitely a goddess of protection but working with her and observing others working she also tends to teach about shame a lot. Mostly how to shed it and the full expression of self. She also heavily enjoys her followers (if they can) to dance and exercise. Joining sports, going on hikes, ect. She wants her followers to understand how to be in the body more (probably going along with the fact she helps with illness)


Well for the cat owners be sure to treat your cats royally, you will gain Her favor. If don't have a cat maybe you can leave dry food for your neighborhood strays


I've started working with Bastet for almost a year now. Whenever I feel sick I realize within one or two days it will be gone. Also whenever I meditate with her she has these amazing gold eyes. One of the cats I take care of has similar eyes but not exact. I'm also surrounded by cats as well. More cats have come towards me, sometimes walking down the street I can see a cat in the corner. Frankincense and myrrh incense are her favorite. I have the black cat statute version of her and sometimes I put frankincense oil on her head like I'm petting her. In the beginning I did use black and gold candles for her and then I noticed she likes the gold candles more so that's what I get for her. I will take your advance and try the red and silver; I do keep a seashell of silver jewelry on her alter that I use as a form of protection with her energy. She is protective but for me I feel it in a motherly way. She's not overbearing but she does make herself known and she does drop hints or tell me when things need to change on her Alter. Currently I have Sekhmet and Bastet on my alter. Bastet actually introduced me to Sekhmet and I enjoy working with both deities.


Interesting on the colors- she has loved purple and amethyst!


I give Goddess Bastet stray hair from when I groom my Black cat as a thank you for protecting him 🥰


Also in my experience with Bastet she has been very fond of the color purple


Thank you so much! I’ve always felt a connection to Egyptian gods and goddesses and I’ve been wanting to find my patron/matron deity for a while, I’ve been seeing cat imagery quite a bit so I’m thinking of reaching out to her!❤️


My first deity since last spring, I love cat mama so much ❤ I have her little altar on top of my guitar speaker cabinet, I'm super beginner but I get the sense that she enjoys just the fact that she's close to the sound of a musical instrument :) That's actually how I found her, or she found me, I sort of put it out there that I want a goddess in my life and few days later I noticed for the first time that the music store near my home has her statue in the shop window :) I also offer her cat whiskers when I find them in the house, and donations to cat shelters are appreciated too. Dua Bast!!


Loved the video! As others have commented, giving offerings to Bastet by letting your cat enjoy them is a great way to honor her. I also place offerings such as paintings I've done on her altar so it was great to hear you mention artistic offerings. I also consider dance and music to be fitting active offerings/prayers. I say active as in these aren't placed on the altar but played and done in her presence with her in mind.


bastet devotee here! for incense offerings, i burn frankensence for her on occasion. she seems to really enjoy it. another great way to give offerings is if you have a cat, have the cats eat treats after you offer them to bastet, or or offer the cats enjoying the treats in honor of her. she really just loves to see you taking care of your cats lol. if you don’t have a cat, that’s totally fine. but i’ve found in my past year of working with her that a lot of the way she communicates with me is through my cats.
for crystal, i’ve also seen people leave citrine and carnelian. i personally leave citrine on her altar, and she seems to really enjoy it. i also leave things like cat claws as my cats shed them naturally over time, gold jewelry, and catnip.
*** if you have cats, please jar and cork the catnip. they will and i repeat they WILL find a way into your altar to try and eat it if you leave it out. ****


If giving food or drink offerings, use this for a ritual. When the ritual is done, eat or drink the offering and imagine yourself eating with the god or goddess you are working with. This practice is where the Christians got the idea of the wine and bread for holy communion. You have to actually drink the wine and eat the bread to commun with the god or goddess. We humans being a social species, eat with each other to connect, and doing this with gods is a very ancient practice that the Egyptians, and many others, did. The idea of leaving the offering at the altar is actually from the old practice of sacrifice, not offerings. Offerings were shared with the gods, while sacrifice was given to the gods. As far as bastet goes, i dont see much in the way of sacrifice you would be giving her unless it's a mouse you killed that you want to set on fire in your house, and none of us wants to do that. Ok, i hope none of us wants to do that. You can also give sacrifice to her during sex magic, seeing as she is the goddess of fertility, but an orgasm isn't really something that can be left on an altar. Btw, I've had great success utilizing her in sex magic, especially if my husband and i have a drink with her beforehand. I've actually healed very painful ovarian cysts instantly, and she has helped me get on a 28-day lunar cycle with my pcos. She's great for sexual reproduction issues. She might even be good to work with if you've had sexual trauma in the past that you need to heal from. Although watch out, because the person who abused you will get their come uppins. She doesn't take too kindly to men who abuse women and children. She will go into deranged lion mode real quick.


I'm very new to any diety work, but my beautiful cat was very sick this year, and i thought it was his time. A good friend suggested praying to Bastet, which i did in desperation to be honest as it was the last thing left to try. The medicine was making him worse.
The same day i prayed, the thoughts to stop his meds and put his diet back to normal came to me, and he's been great ever since. I've been giving prayers of gratitude and trying to figure out how to work with the Goddess ever since.
Thank you for this amazing video. It's been so helpful on how i can properly honour her and do better work with her now.
Blessed be 🙏🐈‍⬛️❤.


I love the video. Bastet is my matron goddess. Another herb offering she loves is vervain and cinnamon. She also like Egyptian musk for incense. With meat offerings, if you have a pet cat, give it to your cat. Another fantastic offering which Bastet absolutely loves, is if you have a pet cat. Give her your cat as a living vessel for her. She will possess your cat. But don't worry when she does this. I gave her my cat, and I know when she is using him. Mason my cat, when Bastet is using him, will at times try and escape my flat just to check on the neighbours as she knows that my neighbour is a young single mum with a little 5 year old. Once he or should I say she is happy that they're fine Mason will return home. One time when I was working with Wadjet, Bastet possessed my cat and literally opened my bedroom door. The way my bedroom door is, there's no way he could have opened it. Bastet I suspect actually picked up my cat, I kid you not. Mason wasn't bothered being picked up. He just came back to me like nothing had happened. One thing about Bastet is that she's extremely protective, overly protective. She loves to eavesdrop. Especially, if you're working with other deities. With my experience, the only deity she doesn't do this is with Anubis. If I'm working with Anubis, she is usually not around. I feel that she really trusts him. Yet, she doesn't fully trust Wadjet even though, it was her, Bastet that brought Wadjet to me, plus they're both the eye's of Ra. I did hear in another myth that Anubis and her were lovers. Bastet also loves perfume. If you have a statue of her spray it with perfume, she loves it. I'm glad that you didn't go into the nightmare of who Sekhmet is? Man that gets confusing. But with me I believe that it is her, not Hathor or Wadjet. Because serious, a cat headed goddess is more similar to a lioness headed goddess than a cow headed or a snake headed goddess. But love the video. I look forward to seeing more of your content.


I have a real Black Cat that I take great care of. She is My Bastet! I give her a home, food, water and Love🙏🏾🤲🏾👑🐈‍⬛


I like to offer Bastet the whiskers my cat sheds, it may sound weird but I ask for her to protect my cat, so it’s my way of giving her offerings from my cat as a thank you for her protection.


Sister of anubus.
Her masculine aspect is frightening.she will warn first and you don't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.
She is very very protective of her priests. People that have tryed to mess with me have never been the same after seeing her.
She is also awesome to take into the astral😉
She also loves to be playful especially in the astral. She's great fun.


This is so ironic ! Your video came up and so I watched it . Then after that I have 4 black cats pop up in a video and 444 on it ❤ Anubis is my patron so to hear that Bastet comes around still, that confirms it ! I absolutely love Egyptian deities ❤❤ thankyou for this !!!!
