What Does It Mean If Your Ex Blocks You? (What To Do!)

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Being blocked by your ex feels horrible. This was the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with and now they’re cutting you off, just like that. It makes you feel like they never cared about you at all. Or that they hate you and want to hurt you.

Well the truth is that’s probably NOT the REAL reason your ex blocked you. So in this video, I’ll tell you WHY your ex blocked you, what it means, and what you can do about it if you want your ex back....

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To dumpers who block after doing it to those that would never give up on you and you know how much it hurts us. You're the worst.


Because they dont want to take responsibility for being dishonest and having affairs wenn you call them out. Coward action and form of abuse


I've no friends, my ex was my only friend and I've had planned so many things with him. Now I am shattered i don't know what to do, I hate my home, I've no one to talk to even at my home. I hate my life


History of being dumped here. It is the most shattering thing to be dumped and blocked by friends or partners. It really can make you a shell of yourself...the stress from this can destroy you if you are not careful. I have had injuries, developed emotional disorders, speech disorders, addictions, malnutrition etc. and generally a negative person.

Please anyone reading this, decide to do the best things for yourself. There is a child inside crying to be taken care of, and you have to be your own angel. Dont disappoint yourself further. Unfortunatley it can get worse if you aren't careful 💪it's you against the world until you find love again


not a game, not a strategy, not rying to hurt them. simply some times they have been so unbelievably disrespectful that they no longer should get the slightest access to your life. Especially when you see them playing coy after a big betrayal (ghosting you, cheating on you with your best friend, hitting you), liking posts, watching your stories etc. Once someone treats you like garbage they need to go. I don't block people light heartedly, only blocked 2 of my exes. Not out of spite, not because I was emotional, just because they do not deserve an inch and I want them to stay gone. I would never unblock either of them.


It’s because they already have a rebound they don’t want you to know about


It’s disgusting behaviour and the most heartbreaking thing ever


We didnt end on bad terms, just said it wasnt gonna work i wasnt happy but i respected her decision and told her i wished her the best, I then removed her off my socials, about a couple weeks later i noticed she blocked me, not once did i try reaching out. It sucks but it is what it is


Thank you brad. My good friend has brought you to my attention. Most Knowledge full and real talk in depth way of looking at things truly appreciate this video I look forward to learning more about your coaching and expect to see me very soon


My struggle with her unfriending me is it makes it difficult for me to apply your "covert jealousy" techniques or to show that I am still living a fun, social, and fulfilling life.


She blocked me immediately after the break up and my family and friends as well. I let her have the breakup I told her I disagree with it and told her I do love her and would like to work it out on her time and start over. She still has my number open I believe.


I was in LDR for year in half and everything started to crumble last October due to misunderstanding that could have been resolved. My ex broke up with me in December and been 2 months I ask him if we could possibly get back together and close the gap. Advise him to think about it this was 2 weeks ago and come to find out he blocked me on last weekend


Hey Brad, i have been watching lots of your videos and especially the no contact rule.
Last week i tried to apply the no contact rule and as for today my ex out of blues texted me asking did i lied to her and we talked a little bit what does she meant by that; trying to find a common ground to agree with but then she ended the talk with it’s okay when clearly it’s not.
We haven’t talk for a week and the first things we talk was did i lied to you?

Then poof just a few minutes later she blocked me everywhere on social media including phone calls.

I’m still gonna keep continuing my no contact rule as it has been great for me so far. I admit that i do still wanna be in touch with her and maybe be a good friends since that’s we agreed in the first place but this??
This is messed up.


Thanks for helping my overthinking to stop❤️


He blocks me, because he is already in dating application, he want to date other woman


If they blocked you 8 weeks ago, would it be wise to send an apology to “clear the air” instead of leaving things on a bad note. No fight, just was too needy


Why do people always think their ex was the one on fault?


It's been almost a year since we broke up, i've been blocked for about 7 months, went back to talking daily for a bit afterwards and think it was all too much for her. Blocked on everything, including number and linkedin. Just can't believe we weren't right for eachother. Tried my best every single day


The hardest part about being blocked is that I was in 3 months of no contact working on the things that were unattractive. I used to drink a lot, I wasn't active, I had to figure out what I was doing wrong the whole time because she never wanted to communicate about it or work it out. I wish I knew what warranted being blocked since she had me still on everything..


My ex just messaged me saying she didn’t love me anymore, seen me as more of a brother, and said she felt that way for 3 months. Blocked her, but our friends are the same.
