Healing and Demons | Uniting wisdom of ancient civilizations & modern science | Dr. Pillai's Message

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Uniting the wisdom of ancient civilizations with the modern, scientific and technological civilization. These two models are opposite to each other, the wisdom tradition of Egypt or India or Mesopotamia or the Mayan or the Austric and Chinese and even Japanese. These two traditions more often than not offered challenges for the modern mind, particularly in trying to see a
common ground between them.

Let's look at medical technology today and compare it with what Jesus was doing. Jesus apparently did not know anything about DNA, Genes Laser surgery, etc. But he did cure people of blindness, hearing and even raised Lazarus from death.

So, what do you see here is miracles playing a big role in Jesus's healing and also the Yogic healing, the Siddha's healing, or in the Mayan traditions. We have dumped it in our scientific civilization as remote happenings, they don't work for everyone. True. But the problem is, just because it's not working across the board to many people, it does not mean that miracle healing doesn't exist. It exists even today, but the methodology there is intuition and also look at their model.

To know how to heal your finances using powerful Yogic Techniques -

What is their model? Diseases are caused by demons and ghosts. And precisely, Jesus is a demon buster or ghostbuster. And this is being practiced even today within some churches across the
world. Within the Indian tradition, it happens also in the village Hinduism, predominantly miracles are happening every day, miracle healings in Indian remote villages. It is very important to bring these two traditions together, if you dump miracle happenings you are the loser because you are only looking at rational scientific reality as the only truth. It is not true, it is not scientific.

You have to study the dynamics behind spiritual healing. Spiritual healing takes place with the help of the spirits which are good spirits, bad spirits. Good spirits are Angels, Gods, etc. And the bad spirits are Demons and Ghosts and other departed souls who are evil in nature. And these evil forces or spirits are responsible for hurting you, not only hurting your body, hurting your
mind, hurting your relationship, hurting your body.

To know how to heal your finances using powerful Yogic Techniques -

So it's important to know about this wisdom tradition of the ancient civilizations and then takes advantage of it. And then call on Jesus to heal you or a guru to heal you or Dhanvanthri to
heal you or Shiva to heal you or Muruga to heal you or any God to heal you, of any tradition and they will heal you and kill the demons. Killing the demons is very important. And Jesus drove away some 17 demons from the body of Mary Magdalene, it’s a behavior of Maggie Magdalene was due to the demons, not her own self.

So, it is very important to understand that and then use that. And whenever you have a disease of any kind, it is according to the ancient tradition, it is caused by evil spirits. So, call on them in the name of Jesus, the name of Jesus your drive away that spirits. Because the name of Jesus is so powerful, the name of Dhanvanthri in the Indian tradition drives away from the evil spirits and you will see for yourself how it works. I am convinced personally and on many people that it does work.

To know how to heal your finances using powerful Yogic Techniques -

So, that doesn't mean you should not go for surgery or take Western medicine, you should do that. There is a great advantage in combining both. Is it not be headstrong about one or the other tradition. So there is a saying attributed to Einstein that talks about bringing religion and science together. Religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame. So try to bring them together in your daily life and needs. You will see tremendous help from this teaching.

God bless.

Pillai Center: 100% Spiritual. 100% Material. 200% Life.


Healing and Demons | Uniting wisdom of ancient civilizations & modern science | Dr. Pillai's Message
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