How To Save Money On Potting Soil When Filling Large Containers, Pots, Planters.

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Hooked and Rooted is a gardening show on Youtube. My shows & content include topics such as: Offering gardening tips for beginners, low maintenance garden ideas, landscaping for beginners, new build garden transformations, how to make your garden beautiful, sharing perennial plants and evergreen shrubs for the garden, and the best ground cover plants you can plant in your garden.

Thanks for watching - Steph (Gardening in Massachusetts zone 6b)
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I recently purchased a pair of new Better Homes & Gardens Bombay Garden Vase 16" planters at Walmart. In this video I share with you my favorite way to save money when buying potting soil. I show you some tricks for how to stretch the potting soil and make it go further. Filling large planters, pots, and containers for flowers, and other plants, takes a lot of potting soil. After years of gardening I've found some tricks to make my gardening budget stretch. The more money I can save on things like potting soil, the more I have to spend on plants!! Do you have any tricks for stretching your gardening budget? Comment below! Thanks for watching! -Steph
#savemoney #budgetgardening #planting

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Hi Garden Friends, Here's my Amazon Store Where You Can Find Many of My Favorite Garden Items


I am so happy I found you!! I love plants but have very very limited space and most have to be grown inside. I’m so inspired and appreciate your lovely helpful self!!🤗💗🎉💯


My Great grandma did this for all of her front porch flowers. She never wasted anything. What's old is new again.


Putting empty nursery pots upside down in the container is genius. Great idea.


If you live in an area that has big winds you may benefit from a rock or brick in the bottom to keep it from being top heavy.


We were starting a container garden and my wife said to fill the bottom with peanuts, then she left for work. So i bought 4 cans of peanuts. When she got home she clarified she meant styrofoam peanuts. I NEVER HEARD OF STYROFOAM PEANUTS.


I hang onto disposable mesh vegetable bags & styrofoam packing peanuts for this purpose. I fill a bag with styrofoam peanuts, staple or hand-sew it shut and drop one or two bags into the bottom of the planter. I cover them with coffee filters or newspaper for the same reason you put coffee filters into your pots. Then I fill with potting soil. Over the growing season, soil & roots will work their way into the packing peanuts, so removing them at the end of the season can be kind of a pain, if you want to re-use them next year. You can also cut up larger chunks of styrofoam, if you don't have a lot of packing peanuts. Also, a caution: too much air at the bottom of a pot will make the pot top-heavy and easier to tip over in the wind, so be aware of where you're going to place them if you use any of these methods. Or maybe add a layer of rocks to the bottom first.


Greeting's from Ireland, Great video and great idea's, We have fifty seven pots in our front garden six of those pot's are planted with annual's and placed on the front windowsill's. The other pots have perennial's in them. I used to buy compost but haven't done so in year's. I use homemade compost and the annual's love it.


Coffee filter... Wow excellent idea to put it in the bottom of the pot so it doesn’t create water run dark marks on the ground. Great idea, thanks!


You should drill on the side of the bin about 11/2 " from the floor so if the water get plugged it will easily escape from the side.


I have a huge Christmas pine. Every spring, lots and lots of long cones all over ground.useful in pots


I would have never thought of that trick. Thanks . I am getting ready to pot new plants and will do this for sure!🌸


I have seen videos on filling with plastic bottles but the garden pots are a fantastic option! Thank you for sharing this video!


i do same thing but use all my broken clay or ceramic pots, when i break one i thow it in a giant broken pot storage bin
than use as needed! it works awesome.


I'm from Massachusetts too. I donate most of my plastic flowerpots to my local garden clubs. Every Saturday in the month of May their plant sale are going on so I bring them with me to drop off. Happy Gardening 🌻


This is a great idea. I've done this for years while planting flowers, ferns, or artificial plants in large containers. I use foam packing that comes with items I ordered online. Anything will work but I find foam blocks or packing beads or bubble wrap works great as well. The idea is to take up space to cut down on the use of potting soil and help with drainage.


I put a few inches of weeds and leaf litter on the bottom. Worms love and it breaks down by end of summer. Usually so hot in summer drainage is less of a problem then pot drying out.


All I can say is thankyou !!!! You gave the problem the solution and the reason why with the extra drainage bit. Hug! Can't thankyou enough!!


Awesome tip. A good example of 'necessity is the mother of invention'. Good on you to share it.


Great idea and excellent video. You explain everything perfectly. Hope you show these pots filled with plants in a few weeks.
