A poet’s plea to save our planet | IN-Q | TED Institute

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Spoken word artist IN-Q poetically captures the urgency of climate change in his original spoken word poem, “Movie Stars.” He urges us to take ownership of the Earth and the damage we’ve committed, and ends with a call to action: “One little dot is all that we’ve got,” says IN-Q. “We just forgot that none of it’s ours; we just forgot that all of it’s ours.”

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How the hell is there only 10k views on this? There should be millions. Let's all work to change that


Wow...this is the best poem I have ever heard and I am NOT exaggerating. This deserves SOO many more views...people need to see and hear this message.


"I have to visit nature like it's in a frigging zoo." Wow!! 😍😍 This guy is good!!


His oratory is so Simple & yet so Good !! It's true that it's man's GRRED & NOT NEED that has brought our EARTH where it is today !! Thank you, from India!!


IN Q Im so profoundly moved and in tears with every word you say. My heart bleeds for Mother Earth. GAIA, Pacha Mama everyday. Im sick and heartbroken over the disrespect, denial, loss and misuse of the way we are as human beings on this amazing majestic gift of a home we call planet earth. With all she gives, we poison her rivers like we poison our blood, killing off beautiful creatures, all her lost remedies to heal. Raping her land and fighting with greed. While so many of us suffer ..we suffer like her. We are doing it to ourselves because we don't care and cherish her. 💔


I found him!!! Now I can't get enough, I will share with others! So Good.


"Always the, never my, and if it's not mine, never mind, cuz I am busy all the time". Its rhymes great. He could make a song with it. 🎙🎙. Maybe with macklemore


Thank you! I love your work and believe art is a great way to reach people. I too am an artist of sorts (wrote a climate change song and had it produced with accompanying video and have posted it on YouTube) and am a trained Climate Reality Project leader. You have a great gift for words with meaning. Great job on your poem on guns as well. Thanks again!


I like his style!!!! Btw why only 15k views?!?!?!


awesome poem, very glad to have heard it!


INDEED so...
May our awareness, our discernment, our knowing wise, as a community of people from all parts of this Earth, bring a renewed reverence to Mother Nature and her Divine intelligence. Let us rise above the corporate greed and impeding control... of those who ravage Mother Earth by pesticides, toxins, poisons, manipulation and GMO domination. We are more in numbers, more with endowed power, more with right intention, and must appreciate WE ARE THE CHANGE that is to BE!!! WE and Mother Earth deserve no less... all with blessings and love... Rose Marie Raccioppi

Mother Earth ~ Ravage Not

Inspired Spirit and Blessings shall prevail
There is Love beyond travail
That knowing faith within heart
From which a questing peace has its start
A vision beyond the perceived despair
So be our wondrous destiny in God's care
Light and TRUTH be they the resounding plea
Over our lands from sea to sea
Gather our thoughts and a new vision clear
Beyond all illusions beyond all fear.

Ravage not the land nor sea
Heed the echoed cry and plea
Heard in the crashing wave and thunderous sky
In valleys, plains and mountains high
Hold this Earth in reverent care
Protect our gifts of water and air
Take not in abuse a mineral or gem
Behold the wonder of each bloom, leaf and stem
Trees to flourish, 'tis bounty's call
The knowing grace of Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Earth, animals, a you, a me
Nurture wise and abundance be.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York


Is there a transcribed version anywhere online I can access?


Hi guys! I love this artist but i don't know where i could find his written speech. Please help :) ! Thank's


One strong point made, among a few, is that while we're prone to think "my job", "my wife", "my husband", and so on, we think "the ocean", "the trees", etc. Point well taken. It's true that many people don't see themselves as interconnected with all aspects of nature, that they try to dominate nature instead of acting in harmony with it.

However, valid and important as some of the points are, this doesn't quite amount to genuine poetry. The speaker is too concerned about pushing forward his view; he isn't sufficiently detached. It almost sounds like an agenda. This would have worked better as an article or essay - and it would have been far from original, to be frank. Good poetry requires ambiguity, which allows for multiple interpretations. Fresh associations, metaphors, fine verbal music are necessary as well. The poet is first and foremost an artist - not a politician or propagandist. If he grapples with a political theme, he must remember to put the LANGUAGE FIRST, for it's beautiful language that sticks in the memory. Yeats' "Easter 1916" is a fine example of this.

Being too caught up with one's ideas or concepts typically leads to one or two-dimensional verse. Some detachment is necessary for the development of strange and fresh ideas - and for depth. That, at least, has been my approach toward poetry - which one would see in my book that's coming out this year (probably in October or November).
