Star Wars Alternate Timeline: What If Qui-Gon Jinn Never Died

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Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: Qui-Gon Jinn Never Died

Ever since the passing of Qui-Gon Jinn in “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace”, the fate of the galaxy was set in stone. With the Jedi Order blinded by their own dogmatic view of the force, Anakin Skywalker was destined to become Darth Vader and bring an end to the Jedi. However, with the birth of Luke Skywalker, a new hope came to the Galaxy. Trained by Ben Kenobi and Master Yoda, Luke became the Jedi Knight the galaxy needed and helped his father Anakin, return to the light, fulfill the prophecy of the chosen one and end Emperor Palpatine's reign of the galaxy. That’s until he decided to Essence Transfer himself into a clone of course.

Now what if Qui-Gon survived and defeated Darth Maul? Well that would change everything! It’s highly likely that if Qui-Gon did survive, he would become Anakin’s Master regardless of what the Jedi wanted. Qui-Gon followed the living force and only the living force. He nearly became a Gray Jedi. So, in this alternative timeline, how would this change of events change the fate of the Galaxy? If trained by Qui-Gon Jinn, would Anakin still become Darth Vader or would there be balance in the force? This question is what we are looking at in today's CBR What If video! What events in the prequel trilogy change? What, if anything would stay the same? What do you think would happen if Qui-Gon survived? Join us in a galaxy far far away as we dive into this Star Wars What if!

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Written by: Yasin Muhammad
Narrated by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Ben Bromley

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Star Wars really needs a "What If" series of it's own


Video: What if Qui-Gon Jinn never died?
Same video: Qui-Gon Jinn dies.


I respected Qui-Gon for not joining the council. He was the wisest Jedi then.


The only 2 issues I have with this is I feel Obiwan would have left the order with Jinn and Anakin. He was loyal to him as like Anakin Obiwan also saw Quigon as a Father. He would have also continued his training along side Anakin and probably have been an even better duelist. The other is I think Anakin still would have been reintroduced to Padame. Just their relationship wouldn't have been as secretive.


Count Dooku would never kill Qui-Gon regardless of his dark side stance he’d probably disarm him


Jedi: "Fear leads to anger and hate and suffering"
Also Jedi: fears the dark side and Anakin.


Anakin would have a father figure in his life.


Qui-Gon is extremely underrated. Just saw The Phantom Menace again yesterday, and I realized how smart he was.


Imagine Anakin being a Jedi throughout the whole 6 movies, but with Obi-wan as his master still. That would be so cool.


This actually makes a lot of sense as a plot and the archetype of a protagonist who has good and bad and must learn to integrate both is actually much more akin to real humanity.


Obi-Wan wouldn’t fall out of the ship because unlike Padme...

“He can see things before they happen. It’s a Jedi trait that’s why he appears to have such quick reflexes. Don’t don’t do that again!”

Thank you Qui-Gon, so Obi-Wan would’ve deflected the blast, and Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin would’ve all been facing off with Count Dooku, and since this time Anakin has learned to work with his emotions all these years instead of years of repression and since he saved his mother, he wasn’t raised among the other Jedi and Padme wasn’t there he hasn’t seen his mother die in his arms, several of his friends get blasted away and seen the woman he loves shot out of a ship all within the span of a couple days he wouldn’t be working through the same issues he was working through in the original timeline and wouldn’t have rushed in and been quickly knocked out. So instead of facing Obi-Wan and then Anakin separately he would be facing all three of them at once... he’d be screwed!


Qui Gon is so underrated. I wish he had a series of his own


If only Qui-Gon had more screentime. He'd be a ghost.


What If Qui-Gon Jinn Never Died
me: Then he would live


I can only find one serious issue, although it is admittedly fairly important: Qui-Gon was well-known for rediscovering the secret of becoming a force ghost, I have no doubt that he would communicate through the force to Anakin after his death, even if he wasn't able to do so in corporeal form.


I have always said Palapatine's entire plan to make Anakin become his apprentice was to get rid of Qui-Gon Jinn. If you watch the choreography of the fight between Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul, you will see Darth Maul focuses on fighting Qui-Gon and all but ignores Obi-Wan. Mostly Maul just keeps knocking Obi-Wan out of the fight. Even once Maul kills Qui-Gon, he seems confused what to do next and is killed by Obi-Wan. That's because the mission he was given by Palpatine was completed.


So glad there are others out there who recognise the awesomeness of Qui-Gon Jinn


Video title: “What if Qui-Gon Jinn never died?”

Qui-Gon Jinn in episode 2: *dies*

Lies, deception


I'll train him then. I'll take anakin as my padawan learner.


I disagree, I think that Anakin wouldnt forget what Qui-Gon taught him, especially since unlike Obiwan, and as you pointed out Jinn would definitely be a father figure and would have taught actual discipline and temperance
