Building and Deploying NestJS Api | Docker & Aws - Timelapse
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Connecting to Mongodb with Mongoose (0:20)
Creating Register/Login Routes (0:48)
Adding Jwt Authentication with Passportjs (1:39)
Creating Blog Routes/Crud Operations (2:41)
Configuring Environment Variables (5:51)
Creating Dockerfile (6:57)
Pushing App To Github (7:53)
Creating EC2 Instance On Aws (8:05)
Installing Docker Engine Into The Instance (8:20)
Cloning Github Repository (8:38)
docker compose up -d (8:40)
Checking if everything is working properly (8:57)
Music used in this video:
Connecting to Mongodb with Mongoose (0:20)
Creating Register/Login Routes (0:48)
Adding Jwt Authentication with Passportjs (1:39)
Creating Blog Routes/Crud Operations (2:41)
Configuring Environment Variables (5:51)
Creating Dockerfile (6:57)
Pushing App To Github (7:53)
Creating EC2 Instance On Aws (8:05)
Installing Docker Engine Into The Instance (8:20)
Cloning Github Repository (8:38)
docker compose up -d (8:40)
Checking if everything is working properly (8:57)
Music used in this video:
Building and Deploying NestJS Api | Docker & Aws - Timelapse
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