12 pregnancy symptoms before a missed period

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Based on my 7 pregnancies - AUTHENTIC symptoms and signs
Listen to your body, feel the symptoms and understand if you are pregnant.

12 pregnancy symptoms before a missed period. I just knew I was pregnant way before any test showed positive. I share my 12 earliest signs of pregnancy with you in this video.

Are you trying to get pregnancy and wishing every month that this is going to be your month, only to get disappointed when your period shows up?

I help you to connect with your womb and discover what is blocking you on your fertility journey. Learn my proven technique to womb healing here:

After 4 miscarriages, an ovarian cyst and being labelled with "unexplained infertility" I used womb healing and got pregnant!

I really understand my body and am passionate about helping you to understand your body and revive your fertile flow.

My 12 early signs of pregnancy:

Early pregnancy symptom butterflies in your stomach
Early pregnancy symptom adrenaline rushes
Dizziness early sign of pregnancy
Womb feels stretched
Cramping from side to side
Feeling implantation
Light spotting, implantation bleeding
Heavier breasts than usual
Feeling warm sign of pregnancy
Sudden aversion to food or drink
Feeling different to normal
Position of cervix shows pregnancy

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Instagram: @vicki_ohmymamabody

🌺 Visit my website for many more helpful tips for TTC and Pregnancy Symptoms

Special thanks to
for the great sound track.

I am not a medical professional. Always consult a medical professional for advice


#pregnancysymptomsbeforemissedperiod #pregnancysigns #earliestpregnancysymptoms

pregnancy symptoms before missed period, pregnancy signs, earliest pregnancy symptoms,
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I tracked my ovulation and at 5dpo in the morning I felt light cramps on my right side and for three days the cramping continued. I can now feel where the implantation happened. I knew right away I was pregnant. I didn’t get a positive test until one day before my missed period but your videos really helped me learn my body and helped me look out for early signs. Thank you !


That’s how I feel after we had and 5 days I feel tired and cramps . But still not get test I’ll wait for my missed period 😊


I had pin like pricking pain on one side on 5dpo. It was a clear feeling. But today on 10dpo i done test and its negative:( Can it be like i had implantation but because of stress in last few days, progesterone levels increased and so no pregnancy this time too:( please reply.


I had spotting for two days. Then it was over. My period wasn’t for for another two weeks


Can insomnia and Restless leg syndrome be possible signs. I normally don't have them. I started insomnia after 6dpo and RLS at 7dpo. I did have slight cramping starting on 6dpo and half way into 7dpo before it vanished.


😢 my cervix is low hard and closed. Im not due for my cycle isnt due for 5 days. Hopefully im not out this month


Hi, if you feel this pin pricked feeling on one side (left), is it more of an implantation leading to possible pregnancy or is it also due to pms coming? Felt pin like prick feeling between 5-7 dpo on left abdomen, suddenly stopped moving when I felt it because it's like needle like prick for few seconds. Following those days I got a very heavy feeling in my abdomen, and my nipples are sensitive sometimes itchy. Is it a sign of pregnancy. TTC for 5 yrs


Hii ma'am I have lower abdomen pain in my right side after 7dpo it wil hurt me whn I bend or stretch and the pain wil be fluctuating to left side but no as much pain on right side they pain is from after my 6dpo


Having sour mouth and having pms like pain means anything mam?


For me I don’t know what’s going I have symptoms of back pain dry lips and farting all of the sudden bloated after I eat I checked the pregnancy test but when I put it in my urine it looked like I was boiling it I don’t know am confused am 7days late


Hi maam Vicki, Good day. I have a question, after 31 days of having an intercourse the PT says negative. is it accurate? Can I have an answer please. Thank you


Hi Vicki! We’ve spoken on instagram before, I don’t use the app anymore as it wasn’t helping my mental! My period isn’t due until later this week (usually my cycle is irregular but never comes before day 38ish). On Monday (day 31), I started bleeding and I’m still bleeding today 6 days later 😭 I don’t feel right at all and usually I have very sore and tender breasts before my period - this time no sore breasts at all but they feel fuller? I never usually bleed before my period is due. At first I hoped it could be implantation bleeding but now I’m not so sure as I’m on day 6 of bleeding. It’s very different from my usual AF though. I tested negative for pregnancy on Friday at the GP but the nurse said it’s too early to detect. I’m still holding out hope that when I next test I’ll get my BFP 🥹🙏🏽 I feel like I’m clutching at straws though as I know that implantation bleeding usually lasts only a few days from what I’ve read. I just feel different in my body, this doesn’t feel like a usual AF! I’ve had pain in my lower back and lower abdomen on one side and I feel quite sick but maybe that’s just from worrying 😂 Do you think Monday is too soon to test again? On my Flo app it says the soonest I should test for pregnancy is Friday so maybe I’m just way too early to get an accurate result! Thanks Vicki, sorry for the essay! 😭💖🫶🏽


Hi i had unprotected sex two days before my period for the first time can you get pregnant easily?


From last two momths i can feel the signs of pregnancy but a week later or 8 days after my dates my period happens pls help me


What if ur boobs dont hurt or have implantation bleeding
