Bizarre Things Only Highly Vibrational People Experience

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Bizarre Things Only Highly Vibrational People Experience
Have you ever wondered what unique experiences set highly vibrational people apart from the rest? In this video, we uncover the bizarre and extraordinary things only highly vibrational people encounter.

From heightened synchronicities and unexplained healing abilities to vivid and prophetic dreams, we explore how vibrational energy can shape their lives in mysterious ways. You'll also discover how toxic people affect their energy field, and why these individuals often find themselves navigating a world filled with unusual events that others rarely notice.

By the end, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of these heightened experiences and how they might be influencing your own journey. If you resonate with this, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with someone who may find this content valuable.

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I really enjoyed this video. I have experienced these things mentioned, especially when people have low frequencies; I am sensitive to it. I can feel it. It is heavy and sometimes chaotic and sometimes I carry it. With spiritual practices, I continue to realign and energize myself. Sometimes I don't socialize much...loner as I am. Thank you for the connection.


Finally I have peace in my mind. I spent my life wondering why I was different. Even with my family members I was different. I would walk into a crowded place and have an anxiety attack because of all the different emotions that over come me. Plus, so much more. Thank you for this 😊


I’ve watched a cloud formation vibrate/pixelate & take on a human/angelic form. Rare astrological/astronomical alignment with a special moon in Leo season, my season

Was “primed” w energy/love by the moon. Felt a compulsion to look at it. That compulsion shifted to the clouds that seemingly came outta nowhere & all were moving towards the moon

I saw a face, elvish ears, what looked like wings coming off their shoulders
Then, as I was laughing & crying at what I was seeing, the first “cloud” very slowly but deliberately turned its head, looked right into my eyes….and SMILED

It went on for over an hour, different clouds, same thing happened
It felt like it was a “joke” or that I was being shown something I shouldn’t have, or maybe I was supposed to have

Either way, my life & worldview changed immediately after that experience & this entire video resonated with me so deeply

Look inside for the Answers you seek, be kind, empathetic & show gratitude for the blessings you have. Even if you’re not Rich (I’m not) but I’ve never felt such peace in my knowledge that there’s a lot more goin on here than meets the eye

Oh and we have NOTHING to fear about death…not a thing…unless you’ve done a lot of evil things 😬


I don’t believe in coincidences. And i hate it when people will try to convince me of coincidences. I can notice patterns and numbers In synchronization so well sometimes that I can predict things that do actually come true.
I’ve had friends and family notice this about me, notice that I have in fact predicted certain things, but it’s often just excused as coincidence.
It bothers me.
Especially when I get that gut feeling, and nobody listens til it’s too late.
And I am stuck saying “I told you, you should’ve listened to me”
Always go with your gut feelings.


Tapping into the earths rhythm anyone can do it. Once you understand how to do this simple technique heart coherence or heart math. Takes minutes to do and the benefits last for hours.
1. Close your eyes eliminate any distractions.
Breath slowly with a rhythm, I like to start with 5 seconds in 8 seconds out to start and get relaxed then. 8 seconds in and 8seconds out.
2. Focus on your heart. I like to imagine breathing in through the heart and out.
3. Focus on an Elevated emotion such as gratitude, love, compassion, joy feel good thoughts.
Within minutes your brain and heart will connect and you will enter into high coherence, realigning with the earths energy. Stress is what takes us out of balance. Maintain positive elevated emotions throughout the day ❤


Great video! And yes I've experienced all of these and more. Very interesting


My whole life..Rather I knew then in reflection yes I've healed many individuals.


Waaaw ... Very useful message...!! Every explanation makes real sense. I've really experience these.
Thanks for the video Sir ❤.
I Love Allah ❤


GOD will help us all.he is Bigger than all.I keep looking to God .I do want I can.🌿💜💜💜


Lol! That girl in the advertising has such a pretty smile she can do no wrong! Ever see or meet people like that? ❤😂


Have I experienced any of these things?

My friend, I've experienced *all* these things.


Every effin day. We see timelines, jump timelines, change timelines. It's not about frequenz it's about alignment. It's a funny being weird and scary when you jump timelines when everyone is gone


I have found negative people who when I have been polite to them. Have been quite nasty. Most people are just great with me.


I have many teachers and mentors, my Muslim brothers know how much I am in tune to things most everyone else cannot or will not spend time on. My teacher Minister Louis Farrakhan, put out a flyer regarding time wraps, I studied it, and I understood it immediately, because I have been in many times warps throughout my life. I love to spend many hours going over these important issues, because my swords are very sharp and I take this knowledge very serious. This life isn't a game or a play thing, where you put down a toy a child plays with and gets bored with the toy. No these things I have been learning have saved my life many times, it's a part of my intellectual persona today. My youngest brother is aware of my gift, and most of my family now realize that I am not like them. It's like I came from a totally different aspect or nature inside my mother and father, I'm not really sure, but I know I am not like the rest of my family.


My life has always been like this... like another recntly said here, its fucking weird. 🤐


I keep seeing 11.11 also 777 . I also have strange dreams, where I seem to be in a different dimension. The dreams are long dreams.


Nature is a divine source of resolution... please see it!! Thank you!!


I’ve been seeing 11:11 every day for years. ❤


May the one posting this vid be energized immediately! 😅
