How to Write Copy That Converts | 5 Things You Need to Know About Writing GREAT Marketing Copy

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People are coming to your website and not buying. Why? Because your copy isn't persuasive.

Copywriting isn't about being the smoothest writer out there. It's about answering objections. If people are satisfied by getting answers to all of their concerns, they are more likely to convert.

When writing copy focus on your headline. 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 or 10 will read the rest of your content, which shows you need to focus on the headline.

Headline writing is all about stating the problem that your customers are facing and then giving them the solution.

Now that you have your headline down, you need to write copy for the rest of the site. Just put yourself in the visitor's shoes and write copy for people in different segments.

For example, make it easy for people to buy right away if they know your product or solution and give details for those who want to learn more before they buy.

Don't worry about copy length, focus on answering all objections and in general your sales go up.

Lastly, make sure you test your copy using Crazy Egg. It will tell you what is working and what isn't through their visual reports and A/B testing.

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You are the best: short, clear, to the point.


This truly has been so helpful. you literally just help me pin point areas I can improve on and continue with. Thank you for sharing. God bless.


Just signed up to hello bar. Pretty cool. Thanks


Just wonder if the follow up email success is down to you seem more legit and trustworthy because of consistency.


Hey Neil I want to know to how to write an adcopy for facebook or adword that has a high chance of getting conversion?


Perfect! but Neil some times there are products like website templates, that need more visuals instead of text. what is you point on that?


Read* your content - There is a typo at 0:49 (unless that was a pun)


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