How U.S Coast Guard Fights Narco-Subs

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This is the US Coast Guard daring interception of a narco submarine in the middle of the open ocean a few hundred miles off the coasts of Colombia. In the year 2019 The sub was transporting 17,000 pounds of illegal narcotics through the eastern Pacific on its way north to Mexico and the US. counterterrorism experts have been sounding the alarm for years that these subs could be used to transport more than just party drugs, they could just as easily smuggle firearms, explosives, or weapons of mass destruction.

Written by: Chris Cappy & Diego Aceituno
Edited by: Savvy Studios

You might be surprised to learn maritime smuggling accounts for roughly 80% of the total illicit flow from South America into Mexico prior to entry into the US. The DEA estimates 30% of that is transported by narco submarines. And considering only around 10% are caught, that means over $9 billion dollars worth of illegal narcotics reach US shores from just this method alone. That’s why It’s important we understand the full extent of their capabilities and intent.

A lot of people who first saw this viral video mistakenly thought these troops were NAVY SEALS. In reality this the Coast Guards elite unit called PACTACLET which stands for Pacific Tactical Law Enforcement Team. Based out of San Diego, they specializes in high risk, non-compliant boardings and deploy worldwide as elite 8 to 10 man Law Enforcement Detachments or LEDETs.

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Рекомендации по теме

It's crazy my local butcher was arrested for selling drugs.
Been buying from him for years and never knew he was trimming meats for side hussle.


"High risk non-compliant boardings"
Swashbuckling, got it. 🏴‍☠


Despite all the jokes, coast guard is a significant part of our border security and should be given more support.


There's one inextricable fact of substance traffic: As long as there's a demand, there will be people finding a way to produce, process, transport and distribute, more than anything, with the huge profits at play.


US: those are MY citizens. If anyone’s going to be selling them drugs it’s going to be ME!


DSF Coastie here, appreciate the shoutout and explaining what we do on the daily. 🏴‍☠


Ex Coastie counter narc here, you would be surprised what we know. The entire "theater" is observed. The near subs have been used for decades. LEDET 7L!

The Navy tried to give the USCG their hydrofoil fleet years ago (in the Florida Keys), we couldn't afford to run them so turn them down.


They say life always finds a way...well so do drugs.

As long as there's demand, supply will follow. We've known this for FAR too long (see 1986 & 1994 RAND studies).


I got out of the Coast Guard in 1999. I was a Gunners Mate and therefore a Law Enforcement Petty Officer doing at sea boardings when on board Cutters. I left my ship at GTMO and saw one of our helos with a semi auto .50 cal rifle when they started using them against cigarette boat (speed boat) engines. I thought it was getting intense but THIS is a whole other level!


I was trained to do VBSS missions in the Marine Corps. In my opinion, it's 100% the coolest possible mission type you can do in the military.


Kind of sounded like that coast guard guy on the sub screamed "ANGELA MERKLE" at them 😂😂😂


🎶we all live in a narco submarine🎵
🎶narco submarine🎵
🎶narco submarine🎵


I can’t wait for the History Channel interviews from the China-US war.

“I was the captain of a Escobar class submarine supplying US marines off the coast of China”


*Me, who’s played Ghost Recon Wildlands*

“The Coast Guard needs me.”


Coast guard is pretty badass. Especially the guys who go out and rescue people in the middle of the ice cold water, at night, during heavy storms when their crab boats sink.


Id like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


Chris, love the idea of using the littoral combat ships for the Coast Guard. That was, undoubtedly the Navy’s worst snafu. The USCG pulled me out of Lake, Michigan once I am forever grateful.


Them just jumping on top of a moving submarine to rip open the hatch is so badass. I hope Americans respect their Coast Guards


i cant imagine how creepy it would be to search a narco sub traveling through the sea and find all the crew dead inside. the crazy thing is that if all the crew in these subs end up dying, the sub could just keep floating for years until it reaches some random shore and the people to search it will just find skeletons.


In Alaska we rely on the CG for search and rescue, navigational maintenance, security at the Valdez oil Terminal, high seas supervision of fishing treaty's and probably more I know nothing about. They have ALWAYS been underfunded as far as this high Seas drug interdiction.
