The Importance Of Taking Time To Yourself (Inspirational Message)

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We’re trying out something new this week! We put a fresh spin on things and we’re excited to share this with you. Please leave a comment below if you liked this video and want to see more of this type of content!

We also want to know... how do you take time to yourself?


Written and voiced by Parker Heuser
Edited by Joshua Laplap




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We are living in an age where we are all busy. There is always something to do, and it seems like we are constantly doing something. Your friends are just a few taps of your finger away, strangers from around the world are interacting with your social media accounts at all times of the day and night, and you get notified everytime it happens. You work in a competitive environment, your boss has more and more tasks for you, and you find yourself telling more people that “you’ll try to find time”. The world is so busy, we've started creating shortcuts for things. Fast-food restaurants are flourishing because we don't always have enough time to cook and eat a meal. Cars have phone holders so you can have conversations and "be productive" while you drive. Caffeinated beverages are sold everywhere, to give you that little energy boost, so that you can do more with the little time you seem to have in the day.

And then at the end of it, all you're left with is "I'm too tired".

But how much time are you spending on you?

Just because you're busy, does that mean you're being effective or efficient with your time?

This video is a reminder of the physical and psychological benefits of spending time alone.

You get to take a break from daily life. A chance to shut off all the noise and distractions, and a chance to give your brain the rest it needs. Just like any other muscle in your body, your brain begins to fatigue over time. By taking even 10 minutes to relax, you will rejuvenate your mind and be able to think more clearly and more effectively.
This helps to improve your concentration and allows you to focus on what is most important to you. By getting a clear understanding of your priorities, you will become more productive in tackling them.
There may be times where you don’t know the answer to a problem, or the appropriate steps to take to solve it. Finding the answers you need is significantly more challenging when you’re distracted by incoming information. Turn your phone off and spend some time alone. You might be surprised how clearly solutions come to you when you’re focussing on them without distractions.
By spending time with yourself and gaining a better understanding of who you are and what you desire in life, you’re more likely to make better choices about who you want to be around. Which, in turn, can make you appreciate your relationships with others even more.
Probably the most important benefit to solitude is learning more about who you are. What makes you happy, what gives you joy. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze your flaws. Free your mind from negativity. Strengthen your appreciation for the little things in life.

What you do, and how you spend your time tells you who you are. You cannot pour from an empty cup. If you are not giving to yourself, you will not be able to adequately give to others.

Remember: nobody is too busy. It’s just a matter of priorities.
When’s the last time you cooked a meal for yourself?
Are you getting as much exercise as you’d like to be?
How many books have you read in the last 3 months?
Have you traveled anywhere new and exciting lately?

Go for a walk
Take a hike
Make a list
Have a bath
Listen to your favorite music
Write a letter to your family
Do a crossword puzzle/Sudoku

What kind of investments are you making in you?
Рекомендации по теме

I'm taking a break from my friends on social media and it's one of the most liberating feelings ever.


Meditate for an hour every day. Unless you are too busy. In that case, meditate for two hours.


I would agree with this completely! I sometimes get caught up in everything I am doing and it's hard to remember to step back and take time to myself. You have been inspiring me for over a year now to go on a year (or longer) backpacking trip around the world! I have lived in Australia and a few other places, but never for more then just a few months. I started a business a year and a half ago to fund my trip. I graduated college and was broke living in my car with my boyfriend. We found a local bagel shop who let us use his kitchen in their off hours at night to get our start. So we started a late night cookie delivery service, living in the parking lot of the bagel shop. It was a huge success and now we have a storefront location (hopefully a second one soon!) And are almost financially stable enough to fund years of travel. We are so excited and it's your channel that keeps me pushing each day to work and make this happen! I hope to inspire others through my channel just as you do, to hustle for their dreams but to always remember to experience this incredible planet that we live on.


Sometimes I want to be alone, I like going outside alone, but my family doesn't respect that, I fell the necessity to stay with myself.


I love the balance on your channel, you truly relay all it is to be High On Life :) We all need this reminder, great video! x


I just done a live stream today about self work. We all need it. Thanks for making this video. Time out time


Totally agree 100percent!! I started watching about 2 weeks ago and just by watching the videos of Bali and Iceland. My husband caught me watching and he said the smile on my face constantly was awesome. What was I watching?? So we started watching together and we decided that we weren’t going to renovate the kitchen and bath !! We were taking that money and traveling!! Our kids are teens now and would benefit from travel and what better way to spend our time with each other !! Your videos are epic and life with the recent events and your does move forward. Time will help all who mourn those beautiful souls! Keep inspiring and doing what your doing. I can’t imagine u-tube without this channel. You have definitely inspired me and my family to take a trip and see what this beautiful world is all about !! Thank you for that travels and always keep it real!!


Bruce Lee said 'Empty your Mind'
Investing in ourself is the happiest part. In this time as a youtube i have understood you need to make yourself content. I do meditation, share words with friends and family, i want one point in my day where i EMPTY my mind whivh tends to live life without expectations.


What an awesome video, guys! This is exactly the same thing I realized 9 months ago (at the end of 2017) and it's helped me be a lot more focused, productive and happy. Super happy you decided to share these insights with your audience - way to go! 🔥


I am 21 and i am enlightened..Thanks parker..grateful forever...


Playing goalie in ice hockey, it is my favourite thing to do, and its an hour of my day where my mind gets to take a break from my busy life and simply focus on one thing, keeping the puck out of the net.

Love this video. It takes time to realise that you need to take more time for yourself instead of others. Some of my favourite solo activities include - gym, reading a book, puzzles, driving, looking through photos, blogging, and learning nutritious recipes


This is a great reminder. It is so easy to get sucked in by everything happening around.


These lovely videos go deeper than I thought they would, and deliver each time. Thank you for leading me here.


I love how you guys spread such great messages with very simple principles. And most of all I like that it isn't just hollow words, like one can find millions on social media nowadays. This is actually life changing. Lots of love from Germany!


Such a great video guys! It’s really important to just slow down and remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing and who you are as a person. Really excited for the new content you’re putting out❤️ sending lots of love from Finland!


This is one of the things why i love High on life


Good to see again, please make videos like this, your awesome, you are my motivators..I daily watch in the morning "you if you can you should" video, so I never forget my life purpose. Amazing guys...hats of to you.


We have never lived in a world where everyone was so connected with their devices.


Usually I have "me time" and relax in my free time or day off like listening music or take care my skin then makes me fresh again or go outside just by myself or hang out with friends
