Kamala Harris Prophecy from 2017 coming to pass | Prophet Charlie Shamp

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September 26, 2017
I was praying and suddenly I found myself in the Spirit looking for what was to come. In my eyes I could see the state of California and a rising star. I heard the Lord say, “behold the woman that will rise from the West!” I look to see a light skinned black woman standing before me with authority poised to take political power. It was Kamala Harris, she will rise from California as a bright star in the coming days. The Lord said unto me, “She has been hand picked by some in power as a queen to trump President Trump in 2020. This is their hidden vision that has yet to unfold. They will use her to grab the hearts of people in the nation and attempt to create momentum and build a political bridge from the east to the west. They will set her on a course to make major waves in the country for a time. Her eyes will be opened and her heart will be changed when she sees that they have played her as a pawn in a political game only to put forth a rook in an attempt to upset a king, in the end this plan will fail. She will be broken as a result of this reality, through this I will show her my mercy and teach her about true justice. Her political future will be hung in the balance and I will present her with a choice to choose a difficult road. One that will build bridges across enemy lines and forge friendships from common political rivals, she is my bridge builder. I will use her to build new political alliances that help those in need in the nation. Where she was once hated by some she will be seen as a trusted ally and praised as she brings justice to the poor of the country. My destiny for her life is that she fulfill the promise that she made to her mother when she was young. If she chooses I will lead her down this difficult path to seal the legacy of her father and mother. In the end she will be remembered for the advancement of civil rights and economic justice among Americans.

The prophecy articulates that she 'has been hand picked by some in power as a queen to trump President Trump in 2020.' While the initial reading might suggest immediate action within 2020, the critical phrase 'hidden vision that has yet to unfold' implies a future realization. Given the strategic nature of political planning, it is reasonable to interpret that the selection in 2020 was intended to set in motion a comprehensive plan culminating in 2024. This interpretation aligns with political strategies that require time for preparation and positioning, making 2024 the year when the hidden vision is expected to come to fruition.

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If you are a believer here and you stay in America. Please Pray.


The devil is defeated in the name of Jesus.


Trump was chosen by God to lead our Country! Nothing can stop it!! Trump 2024


Charlie, I have been watching over this prophecy with you for the past 7 years. It's a blessing to see the Lord bring this to pass. I pray her eyes become open to see how the Dems are using her as a pawn.


May God have mercy on America. Harris as president is the worst thing to happen to the country


Pray America Pray! 🇺🇸💪❤️🙏🏻 Keep Praying Church don’t stop!


Oh that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah would roar against her and keep her from doing harm against President Trump and our country. Praying for her turning to Jesus


Pray Pray Pray for the evil to be revealed and exposed. Blood of Jesus applied. Prais the Lord forevermore.


I second this prophecy. The late Kim Clement prophecied "... Pray for the enemy will do anything to put a witch in the white house". Many of us thought it was hillary but this time is the actual time for the fulfilment of this prophecy so pray, pray, pray


I'm a Christian, but I don't like these words that paint God as a conservative, as if he's on the political right


I remember this prophecy and was praying that you would post it again. Thank you and I will be praying. 🙏🏻❤️🤍💙🙏🏻


Father I pray God have mercy, that she will turn to the Lord I pray you remove the blinders off her eyes so she will see the truth in Jesus Name Amen ❤


If there's one thing I'm sure of it is the fact that God is not a politician. He's not a Republican either.




God will bring down all you false prophets. America be warn. God is not mock.


Thank you, Brother Charlie, I remember that word, ❤


🙏⭐Luke 3: 4-6 TPT
4 Make straight every twisted thing in your lives. 5–6 Every dark way must be brought to the light. Wrongs righted. Injustices removed. Every heart of pride will be humbled low before Him. Every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth so that everyone everywhere will be ready to see the Life of God!”🇺🇸 🌍


I totally agree, people should stop being brainwashed and pray for their salvation. You just have to listen and look at Trump's character. Lord have mercy


Still, she's still the VP. Pray for her per Moses, Paul. Pray for the leaders. Anyway T24!


I’ve been watching this prophecy play out and have been adamant that the Lord will change Kamala’s heart. I’ve said to myself from the beginning that Kamala has a light, and I truly feel that she is very uncomfortable with her position. You can even see it in her mannerisms. She knows what’s happening is WRONG. Deep down, Kamala KNOWS she’s being used by her own party. I’ll continue to pray for her and that she does the right thing.
