From Relief to Recovery: COVID-19 and the Impact on Small Businesses

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Small businesses are crucial to the nation’s economy and are the backbone of the local communities in which they are established. They employ almost half of U.S. workers and are essential sources of employment and wealth-building, particularly for minority communities.The pandemic has devastated many of these businesses, forcing hundreds of thousands to shut down. Despite providing so many economic benefits, many of these businesses didn’t receive the same support as others.

This webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on small business—from relief to recovery—features the following speakers:
• Janelle Williams, a senior adviser on the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s community and economic development team.
• Mary Hirt, a research analyst for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s community and economic development team
• Rhett Buttle, the founder of Public Private Strategies, and senior fellow at the Aspen Institute.
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