CppCon 2017: Honggyu Kim “Understanding the runtime behaviors of C++ programs using uftrace tool”

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This talk will present the uftrace function graph tracing tool, which was first introduced at CppCon last year. The uftrace tool utilizes function instrumentation techniques from compilers to provide deeper understanding of execution behaviors in C/C++ programs.
uftrace provides multiple ways to analyze the runtime behavior of C/C++ programs and measures the execution time of each function without source code modification. In addition, uftrace is highly configurable and allows the user to apply numerous filters to any function in the program. The recorded trace data can be displayed in the console or in a graphical output such as chrome trace viewer or flamegraph.
Honggyu Kim: Software Engineer, LG Electronics
Honggyu Kim is a software engineer in LG Electronics and have been mainly working on software analysis and development tools. His interests are mainly in low-level embedded systems and he's also started working on JavaScript engines for webOS platform recently.
This talk will present the uftrace function graph tracing tool, which was first introduced at CppCon last year. The uftrace tool utilizes function instrumentation techniques from compilers to provide deeper understanding of execution behaviors in C/C++ programs.
uftrace provides multiple ways to analyze the runtime behavior of C/C++ programs and measures the execution time of each function without source code modification. In addition, uftrace is highly configurable and allows the user to apply numerous filters to any function in the program. The recorded trace data can be displayed in the console or in a graphical output such as chrome trace viewer or flamegraph.
Honggyu Kim: Software Engineer, LG Electronics
Honggyu Kim is a software engineer in LG Electronics and have been mainly working on software analysis and development tools. His interests are mainly in low-level embedded systems and he's also started working on JavaScript engines for webOS platform recently.
CppCon 2017: Honggyu Kim “Understanding the runtime behaviors of C++ programs using uftrace tool”...
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