What is Electricity? Is There An Answer? #shorts

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There's so many conflicting definitions of electricity. Essentially its the relationship between charged particles. What's your definition?

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Electricity is electrons in motion. DC current (Direct Current) is electrons being knocked along a path called a conductor (a wire) eventually going from one end to the other ( a constant flow energy).
AC current (Alternating Current) is electrons going a short distance in a conductor and then turning around and going the other direction (a vibratory energy). The electrons don't go from one end of the conductor to the other.
Magnets push and pull on electrons depending on the magnets polarity. When a magnet is near a conductor like copper wire it either pushes the electrons or pulls on them depending on the magnets polarity. Put several magnets together and spin them near a conductor and you now have an electricity or electron pump. Have all the magnets the same polarity and you have a DC electricity pump. Alternate the magnets polarities and you now have an AC electricity pump. Electrical people call these pumps generators or alternators. Voltage is the pressure on the electrons kind of like PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) is to air. Amperage is the number of electrons flowing kind of like CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) is to air. The stronger the magnets and the faster they spin increases both Voltage and Amperage. Batteries don't use magnets. Batteries use chemical reaction energy to move electrons. Lightning is produced from weather related energy such as sunshine and wind knocking electrons around. Static electricity is where you are the pump by scraping electrons off of a carpet resulting in Voltage (electron pressure) in your body and then that pressure being released when your finger gets near a conductor like a door knob that has less electron pressure than what is in your body. Good conductors have electrons that are loosely attached to the atom like copper and can be knocked loose easily for electrical flow. Poor conductors have electrons but they are very tightly attached to the atom like in rubber making it very difficult to get electrical flow.
Hopefully some of you budding students of electricity will benefit from this comment. You picked a great profession to study and you will do very well. Always think safety when working with electricity.


I thought it was the movement of electrons and you can feel it lol


I've been an electrician for 35 years, Electricity is Magic.


Oh you can touch it……. you just ain’t gonna touch it twice 🤣🤣🤣


You can smell it. Especially when a device lets the factory smoke out.🤪


"it can't be both energy and matter"
Uh, e=mc2 would like to have a word with you.

If you want a detailed explanation of what electricity is, ask a physicist or maybe electrical engineer. If you want to get it from one place to another safely, ask an electrician.


Things can be matter and energy simultaneously. Matter is all things. Energy is within all matter. Think about a rock at the top of a hill. Just sitting there, it is potential energy. When it is tumbling, it becomes mechanical energy. At the bottom of the hill, it is potential energy once again. No loss of energy and no change in the rock.


We all have to appreciate how much we still have to learn and what a complex wonderful world we are a part of. I


Wall of text incoming:

The problem is that there’s a laundry list of things that people call “electricity” that they shouldn’t.

“Electricity” is the flow of electrons, period end of story.

Electricity is not a force, that’s electromagnetism, which is not the same thing as electricity. Electromagnetism is, however, the force that governs the flow of electrons. What’s really neat is that the force between electrons and the force between magnets is the exact same force. That’s why moving electrons generate a magnetic field, and a moving magnet generates an electric field.

Electricity is not energy, however it contains energy. In order for the electrons to move, there has to be both a difference in potential, and a path for them to follow. The difference in potential can come from a variety of sources, but it’s measured as voltage. The actual moving of the electrons is a form of kinetic energy, but the vast majority of the energy in electricity is stored as potential energy in the magnetic field generated by the moving electrons.

Also, energy is an abstraction defined as the ability to do work. The energy isn’t stored in the electrons themselves, but rather in the electromagnetic force acting between them. Also, yet another fun fact, visible light is electromagnetic radiation, though it only takes up a tiny portion of the spectrum.

And to call electricity a phenomenon is like calling a trout a fish, it’s one of many.


Bro you cut it off when she was about to describe wave particle duality😂


E=MC2, it can indeed be a particle and energy.


I thought it was just little, tiny lightning bolts that man has tamed.


Its the harnessing of angry pixies energy


I’ve been saying electricity is magic for decades.


As electromagnetism it is a fundamental force of nature and is simultaneously many aspects and can be partially quantified in context to the observed and measured expression of that foundational and axiomatic phenomena or expected and predictive measurable concentration or cross sectional plot point of spacetime. It is nothing without referential identity and this speaks to its elusive characterization as a singular independent entity. We know both in extraordinary specificity of its composition and nearly nothing at all about its intrinsic make up aside from its relation and appearance in conjunction with the remainder of the observed composition and relative states of its sister phenomena. Being able to manipulate it to real world ends is and always has been akin to wizardry in my experience and I understand the awe and compulsion it engenders vocationally speaking. It's what keeps me invested and constantly growing in my understanding and my dedication to this craft. I'm fortunate enough to have found my way into this realm as a tradesmen and a lifelong student. Wouldn't have it any other way and can't conceive of my life without the experiences being an electrician have imparted on my sense of self and my place in these cosmos.


I don't think someone has claimed it itself is matter. Because that's wrong. Electricity doesn't have a spot on the periodic table. It's the phenomenon when a charge (energy) is carried through electrons.


Um, according to this one fellow I heard of, Albert Einstein, not only CAN it be "both energy and matter", but that it IS both energy and matter.


It’s matter that is carrying energy. It has velocity, so it is carrying energy.


It's magic which makes us magicians!


Eric Dollard has an explanation I think is very descriptive
