EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 Highlights ALL GAMES

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EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 Highlights ALL GAMES H2K vs Vitality Highlights, G2 Esports vs Misfits Highlights, Unicorns of Love vs Giants Highlights, Roccat vs Schalke 04 Highlights, Fnatic vs Splyce Highlights
KazaLoLLCShighlights - bringing you fast highlights of LCS, LCK, LPL and LMS League of Legends Esports Matches every day
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KazaLoLLCShighlights - bringing you fast highlights of LCS, LCK, LPL and LMS League of Legends Esports Matches every day
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EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 Highlights ALL GAMES
EU LCS Spring (2018) | Week 1 Day 1
ROCCAT vs FC Schalke 04 (w/ Boris) | Week 1 Day 1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018 | ROC vs S04 W1D1 G4
Fnatic vs Splyce | Week 1 Day 1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018 | FNC vs SPY W1D1 G5
G2 eSports vs Misfits | Week 1 Day 1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018 | G2 vs MSF W1D1 G1
G2 vs MF Highlights | EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 | G2 Esports vs Misfits Gaming
FNC vs SPY Highlights | EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 | Fnatic vs Splyce
League of Underdogs | EU LCS Spring 2018
ROC vs. S04 - Week 1 Day 1 | EU LCS Spring Split | Team Roccat vs. FC Schalke 04 (2018)
Welcome to Week 1 Day 1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018! New Teams, New Format! #EUHYPE
UOL vs GIA Highlights | EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 | Unicorns of Love vs Giants Gaming
G2 vs. MSF - Week 1 Day 1 | EU LCS Spring Split | G2 vs. Misfits (2018)
G2 vs MSF Highlights EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 G2 Esports vs Misfits by Onivia
Fnatic vs Giants | Week 9 Day 1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018 | FNC vs GIA W9D1 G4
Echo Fox vs FlyQuest | Week 1 Day 1 of S8 NA LCS Spring 2018 | FOX vs FLY W1D1 G4
EU LCS Spring (2018) | Week 1 Day 2
Vitality vs Giants | Week 6 Day 1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018 | VIT vs GIA W6D1 G4
OG vs. H2K - EU LCS Spring Split 2017 W1D1 [GER]
ROC vs S04 Highlights | EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 | Roccat vs Schalke 04
H2K vs VIT Highlights | EU LCS Spring 2018 W1D1 | H2K vs Vitality
FOX vs. FLY - Week 1 Day 1 | NA LCS Spring Split | Echo Fox vs. Flyquest (2018)
Recap, Highlights and Sounds of the Game: W1D1 of S8 EU LCS Spring 2018!
Fnatic vs Misfits | Week 1 Day 1 S8 EU LCS Summer 2018 | FNC vs MSF W1D1
Interview with the winner of Fnatic vs Misfits + Post Game Lobby | W1D1 EU LCS Spring 2018