Do Early Supermassive Black Holes Refute the Big Bang? | News of the Day | Hugh Ross

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Join Hugh Ross in this breaking News of the Day episode of Stars, Cells, and God. Hugh describes the discovery of four fully-formed supermassive black holes that existed just 410–760 million years after the cosmic creation event.

Do Early Supermassive Black Holes Refute the Big Bang?
• Quasar J1120+0641, seen 760 million years after the cosmic beginning, has a supermassive black hole (SMBH) weighing 1.52 billion solar masses.
• Quasar J1342+0928, seen 700 million years after the beginning, has a SMBH weighing 0.78 billion solar masses.
• Quasar J0313-1806, seen 690 million years after the beginning, has a SMBH of 1.6 billion solar masses.
• The most distantly detected SMBH belongs to GN-z11. Just 410 million after the beginning, its SMBH weighs 0.002 billion solar masses.
• There are three ways such SMBHs can form so early in a big bang universe: through 1) very aggressive early gas accretion by the BHs; 2) mergers of the BHs arising from many 500+ solar-mass first generation stars; and 3) mergers of 10,000+ solar-mass gas clouds that collapse into black holes without forming stars.
• The discovery of many more cosmic dawn SMBHs will determine which one, of more, of the three ways explains the SMBHs.



PLAYLIST – Stars, Cells, and God


HOST: Hugh Ross



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It is awesome that you keep sharing your thoughts on the lastest papers.

And it is great that you embrace science, rather than duck for cover like some do.

The great scientists of the past were all Christians and you are keeping this tradition alive .

God Bless


Dr. Ross, thank you for your ministry. You have provided me with invaluable resources to bolster my faith. The science you share gives me more confidence to share my faith, and I do. The "book" of nature and the claims in Romans chapter 1 come alive with your teachings. Thank God for you and your team. I share this with Christian Mensans and Intertel folk. God bless you and keep you.


Interesting information. I appreciate the effort taken to share this with the public, as most of the sites are just sensationalizing speculation without much scientific evidence.


All 3 Possible Scenarios with timestamps:
(1) 7:06 Aggressive accretion of condensed primordial gas in the early universe. (most talked about)
(2) 7:53 Bigger stars formed when there was only hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium in the early universe which was also much hotter overall. (has observational support)
(3) 10:36 Big gas clouds in the condensed early universe were able to collapse under their own gravity directly into black holes, bypassing becoming stars. (theoreticians have worked out the physics to make this possible)


🌹Thank you Dr. Ross, as always, wonderful teachings.🌹


In my humble opinion, I believe it refutes many of the theories and laws of physics.


Don't these and other similar findings favor the heavy seed direct collapse method of SMBH formation contra the detail at ~10:15?


Things are actually closer than they appear to be because of the effects of general relativity.


I want to ask. My questions... 1. The reality that we can see right now is that in this universe there are trillions of trillions of planets and galaxies. If there are countless trillions of trillions of planets... maybe not only planet Earth has living creatures inhabiting it...? For example, if there are a trillion other planets that have living creatures like Earth and its inhabitants are various types of non-human creatures, would Jesus also be God on those one trillion inhabited planets...? 2. The real facts that we can know right now... the earth is approximately 10 million km, the sun is 1.3 million times as big as the earth, and there is a star called U Scuty that is tens of billions of times as big as the sun . If the celestial bodies were super massive in size like that, the number in the trillions would be uncountable. How big do you think God the Creator is, bro...? Maybe God is only as big as the man Jesus...? 3. According to scientists, the universe is more than 13 billion years old, whereas according to historians, Adam and Eve only existed about 7 thousand years ago. Based on this science... maybe the universe has been empty without any living creatures inhabiting it for more than 13 billion years...? So what was Jesus doing for 13 billion years before there were humans, Adam and Eve...? Please answer me!!!!?!!!


Are you going to ask for the JWST to look at something?
