6 Psychological Things That make You Less Attractive

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What makes you less attractive or unattractive to others? What holds you back from success with dating or attracting your crush? What if it goes beyond physical appearance? We got you covered.

In this video, we'll be talking about the psychological things that make you unattractive.

Writer: Syazwana Aimirah
Script Editor: Denise Ding
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Cece (new animator)
Production Assistant: Thomas Kang
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Swami, V., & Furnham, A. (2008). The psychology of physical attraction. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

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Рекомендации по теме

I 100% agree that attraction is Psycological because I've been attracted to people who aren't even physically attractive


Society: "Just be yourself"
Also society: "No not like that"


Here you go, guys:

1. Being sleep deprived
2. Body smell
3. Love yourself
4. Not being humble
5. Overly smiley
6. Contractive body language


“Being sleep deprived isn’t attractive”
*I shall stay single forever*


“Turtles are cute, but its because they’re turtles… your a human… dont try to turtle yourself” has to be one of the most adorable ways to tell someone to open up a bit


2:29 I love how you used Ed, Tom, and Mat in this picture


Ive never understood beauty standards because
1: even if i think someone is attractive, i wont actually be attracted to them until i get to know them, then they become 10x more attractive to me
2: personally i think commonly " not attractive" things such an large or crooked noses, dark circles under eyes, wonky teeth/tooth gap, ect are so attractive, i just love them so much and i know im not the only one so i just dont get why people have these unnaturally difficult beauty standards. Everyone is beautiful to someone.😊


here a list for the people in a hurry:
1. being sleep deprived(0:48)
2. body smell (1:28)
3. excessive focus on appearance (2:11)
4. not being humble (2:42)
5. overly smiley/ too proud (3:36)
6. contractive body language (4:01)


(before the 6 things)
Attraction is based on 3 things:
1. You consider them approachable
2. Belive in positive facts about them
3. They make you feel good


I like how this video is giving you advice on how to actually control yourself and take care of yourself as well


As someone who has a deep seeded hatred for themselves, loving yourself is, unfortunately, a big one. The amount of times I've heard from girls at the end of the relationship say "How do you expect someone to love you when you can't love yourself."

But you can't force someone to love you... Can I force myself to love me?


Takes “I’m ugly and I’m proud” to a new level.


I feel like the whole body language thing is very difficult. I automatically default to crossed arms AND legs when in public. When I do realize, I try fixing my posture/sitting position, but without realizing, I quickly revert back.


I did an experiment where I went to a bar unwashed (no cologne, no deodorant) and women approached me and acted unusually friendly. A week later I wore the normal amount of cologne (light) and deodorant and only had 1 woman approach me as such. I repeated this for 1 year, alternating weeks. I found almost always, unwashed (not reeking) was most beneficial, especially after being at a gym and lifting weights. I had a woman do the same experiment and got the same results. Pheromones work.


Hey Amanda did anyone ever tell u that u have such a nice and calming voice. I'm sure u've had this compliment a ton times.


"1. Being sleep dep--"
Alright, I'm already unattractive.


I've had trouble with the smiling part.
I'm on the spectrum, and upon learning this at the age of 15, I had to teach myself to display emotion, and I try to be as clear as possible due to feeling like I'm not communicating properly, which might lead to me overdoing it when I relax in a social situation.
When I smile, I mean it with all my heart, because I don't waste my effort on those who I feel don't deserve my limited energy.


The one person I've been with that I believe I genuinely loved wasn't exactly "conventionally attractive". She was kinda boyish and had short hair, and I get the feeling that most people wouldn't find her attractive based on her looks, but becuase I enjoyed her company so much, personally, I thought she was adorable. I thought everything about her was attractive. I think when you genuinely love someone, it doesn't matter what they look like, because they're perfect in your own eyes.


Being a chronic insomniac, I can confer that my irritability isn’t very attractive and serves as a turn off. Not to mention my innate ability to just fall asleep mid sentece has failed to impress.


"Attraction is actually a complex thing involving the whole person, flaws and all" In my opinion clumsiness is not so bad.
