Wild Animal Surprised Photographers in An Unexpected Way

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With bears; if they’re brown, lay down. If they’re black, yell back. If they’re white, good night.


I love how the only one to deal critical damage was a fucking sheep.


BTW, never ever panic and run from predators... It makes you LUNCH instead of just curious. :D


I come to the conclusion that meercats think we are just large meercats.


Brown bear at 1:23:”Human.Have you seen any fishes?”😁


FYI: Silver backs aren't a species of gorilla. Silver back refers to the fully grown males who are the heads/alphas of the troupe.


I was in the woods here in the eastern US, waiting patiently with my camera for two deer downhill from me got closer so I could get a good shot. I waited. They never came close, so I gave up and as I turned around, there were five deer not ten feet behind me. They did not run. They just looked at me like they were wondering what I was doing. They did run when I turned the camera their way though. I never got a shot of a deer that day.


Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints ❤


I would be just a tad concerned if a lion cub laid just a little too close and a little too comfortably beside me. I would be very afraid of the whereabouts of his mama!


Ok baby meerkats just might be the absolutely most adorable creatures on earth!


This is the first time I've heard of wolves described as the "forbidden Husky." Funny.


Cheetahs are ready to be house cats and no one is gonna convince me otherwise. 😂


“You on the other hand do not try this at home” like I have a pride of lions, rhinos or tigers in my backyard 😂😂😂


A friend of the family who was ex special forces did all the photography for Discovery, Nat Geo etc, he had a family of rescued meerkats in the UK raising them to be released abroad one day, among loads of exotics but I'll never forget the meerkats, they're more loyal than dogs, love to play fetch, neck scratches and belly rubs, sleep on you like Garfield and will follow you literally everywhere you go.


20+ years ago in Kenya:
A cheetah, barely 5 feet away - I aged 10 years within 10 seconds... but best photos ever.


My late husband, while at Yellowstone National Park, wanted to get a particular picture at Sunset. He got there several hours early and found the ideal location. He made himself comfortable and sat down. It was apparently a beautiful late afternoon, and fell asleep. He woke up, hearing grunting, chomping, and a little dust blowing in his face. He said he looked around and he realized he was gonna be there for a long time. When he came to the spot, the clearing was empty. At the moment I heard a bison had decided it was time to graze. He was totally surrounded. he realize he was close to the front of the bison so it’ll be a while from the move all the way through. He had no idea the size of the herd because he couldn’t see. He was not going to stand up. They had no real interest in him, only casually. A few will stop and sniff. One of them bump with its head, he said it was gentle for such a big animal with such potential. The herd at one point was so thick he couldn’t see anything around him. he sat quietly, wondering if he could somehow slowly get his camera and take some pictures. Then it was afraid that the sound of the shutter, my startle the heard. He didn’t wanna do any of those things, for fear of being trampled.. ……

There was still sunlight, even though that heavens were full of color as a sun was slowly sinking into the mountains. When he heard a jeep wandering across the Prairie, blowing its horn, an idiot on a megaphone yelling something. The herd panicked. At that point, they broke into a run. By some miracle, they went around him. He didn’t get hurt in anyway or even bumped. The same cannot be said for his camera, which had been still intact and undisturbed, until the stampede. My late husband said his life passed before his eyes.

The Jeep pulled up next to him and a park ranger got out … he was furious. Announcing that it was against the rules of the park for him to be so close to the animals. It was dangerous to sit in the middle of a herd of buffalo. Blah blah, blah blah blah…….. I know my late husband, he was burning inside, and when he gets that angry, his voice gets quiet. He told the Ranger what he thought. He walked back to his vehicle carrying the remains of his camera, and drove directly to the headquarters at Yellowstone. Which is where the Ranger was going. My late husband was gonna get charged for something. The Rangers first….. then my late husband. As it happened, my husband had relatives working at the park. None of them were on duty at that hour. The head of the department that was on duty that whole hour was a toothless tiger. But, my late husband got the point across. I didn’t take much for the head of the department on duty, to realize who was at fault….
If you’re sitting in the middle of a clearing, sound asleep, and I heard of bison surround you, my late husband did exactly what he supposed to do. Don’t move, don’t make any sudden noises, and wait for them to pass. The next day late was up bright or early and in the Rangers office again to talk to someone that had power….. My late husband got his camera replaced or fixed. I’m not sure which. The Ranger, I don’t think lost his job, but there was a reeducation in order.


Keeping calm and staying calm is the best defense. Panic only makes you a target instead of just a bystander.


Dean Schneider and Kevin Richardson are great human beings dedicating their lives to the protection and conservation of wild animals.

They are both angels who love their lions and respect them as well. Great men doing great things for their creatures.

God bless them both for being able to love, cared, respect, and support each of their animal companions. They are loved in return with the love that only animals can give: unconditional love and affection. The greatest love that exists.

Love the video, it is very informative and interesting. And a special THANK YOU to the wildlife photographers, they did a superb job taking photos of precious and magnificent creatures. I bet they had fun with them, having these beautiful creatures around themselves. I believe they have the greatest job on earth! My respect to them, hat’s off to all of them. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍


It's always kind of funny how amazed people can be when animals manage to determine the two big qualifiers for acting chill: 1) You aren't a threat RIGHT NOW and (if its a predator) 2) Im not hungry and you're weird.


The bear that sat next to him had Just Eaten A LOT and was full. THAT's why he didn't bother. Nothing but lucky.
