💰EXTREME BUDGET | Can You Be Happy Without Spending Money? #debtfree #frugalliving #offgrid

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How my family is able to live on just $850 in 2024. A detailed look at our bare bones monthly budget and why we choose to live THIS frugally.

Berkey Water Filtration System: The legacy launch special! Get a 3-gallon legacy water filter system with four foundation filters and two glass water bottles. (Brand name now Boroux, not Berkey)

Off-grid supplies (affiliate links)

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What social norm do you not follow in order to save money? 💰


Girl, living debt free in a camper is nothing to be ashamed of. For real. I’m listening to Dave a Ramsey calls where people are so over extended and broke they are returning their groceries to Costco. I think your family is doing great.


Finally a young smart American, that hasn't been brain washed, you go girl!!! And you don't need all of those beauty products, you have a natural beauty!!




The older I get the more I wish I had done this when I was your age. Stuff is just stuff and we spend our lives attaining it. You are rich for learning this at a younger age. Live for you and not for others❤


I was raised off the grid. I like the grid, just not its expense. Every time I turn on a faucet, I am so grateful for the easy access to water.


I would not say you are depriving of anything. You are living life the way we were intended to. What an awesome way to raise your child.


I really admire that you figured out as a young mom that time with your kids was most valuable.


I've never been into things like fancy clothes, cars, etc. Having a bunch of stuff around me makes me unhappy. Always liked the idea of being able to throw everything I own in the back of my car and taking off whenever I feel like it. No burning desire to be rich, just able to meet our needs, help others when I can and enjoy life with firends and family.


There is no benefit to conforming to a sick, unhappy society. We are very similar to your family. We are in a single wide on 18 acres. No debt, no limitations. 100% happy. Good for you!


Wow! If you weren't married, I weren't married, and I wasn't 66 years old I'd be in love !!! Congratulations to you and, your hubby! Keep those priorities straight. Y'all are doing great!


Younger generation is so much smarter by realizing you need to be debt free to be free! Great job and great vid!


My parents and grandparents lived what people call off grid these days, for them it was a way of life. They didn't own any modern convinces like tv's, microwaves, etc and drove old beat up trucks that was held together by baling wire . My mom was one of 12 children and I'm one of 11. Our gardens were huge, and worked by mules and a hoe. They even dug their own wells, shallow wells around 60 ft deep, but they provided water for everything. Mom washed our clothes in a #2 wash tub and rinsed them in another #2 tub., we also bathed in those same tubs and drew the water from the well with a rope and bucket. Mom had a peddle operated sewing machine and made all our clothes except the boys jeans. She was up at 4 am seven days a week and everyone went to bed when the chickens went to roost. We had a wood burning stove that was used year round for cooking meals. When daddy bought seed potatoes, he bought them in 50 lb bags because they were to carry a large family for a yr. Just our potatoes took a 1/2 acre, plus we grew corn, cow peas, butter beans, turnips, collards, mustard, sweet potatoes, okra, squash and I'm sure I've left something out. We had lots of nut and fruit trees. Momma never used a pressure canner, but she canned so many things. Our shopping list was flour, corn meal(unless daddy took corn to the grismill) coffee, tea, salt, sugar, washing powder, Clorox, and talcum powder for the baby. We raised our own meat and our grease came from pig fat. We had the cutest dresses to wear to school, but because they didn't have a tag we were looked down on by kids whose parents bought their clothes in town. Our clothes were prettier than anything they bought from the store. When my dad passed away he didn't leave a mountain of debt for my mom to worry about. It was a much more simple life and we had a lot of fun playing in the woods, creeks and fields, hardly ever had anyone sick in the family, but a few broken arms from falling out of trees or something silly we did to ourselves. A cast on for about 6 weeks and we were out doing the same silly things again.


That Henry David Thoreau quote is one of my favorites. Heres another for you... The only way to deal with an unfree world is to get so free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. ---Albert Camus. Good Luck!!


Vanlife taught me so much about the value of "stuff" and "things" and extreme limited space. This has carried over easily to an off-grid micro-tiny 10x12 well insulated and professionally custom-built home with no frills. It gives me a 360 view of the beauty of the forest in which I live. It's easy to heat and to keep cool, and using a compost toilet and hauling water has become second nature through the years. I dont feel the struggle like most do without the stress and worry over rising out-of-control rents, utilities, taxes, insurances, and essentials like gas & and groceries. I've never been happier at 65 years old! People who feel "stuck" right now need to educate themselves about alternative lifestyles because the old paradigm IS NOT SUSTAINABLE!


I’d love to see you do more a week in the life of meals - for ideas of what that looks like now in the trailer.


Agreed. No facials, no expensive hair products, no expensive makeup. (No makeup because i am allergic to it.) I'm to cheap to spend my money of any of that stuff. Im tooo cheap!!! And proud of it.


Actually surviving on less than $200 per month and growing own vegetables and only purchase meat 6 times per year. I drink water and use wild berries for flavor also marked down fruit and vegetables is so much easier than keeping up with trends


Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future.., I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life!!


Your man is very lucky to have you!!! ❤
