are you gen Z or gen Alpha pretty

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are you gen alpha or gen z pretty?

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0:00 Intro
2:26 Gen alpha pretty vs gen z pretty
7:54 Face card economy
13:17 Beauty Trust fund babies

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What do you think is the biggest difference between Gen Alpha and Gen Z?


It’s depressing because these children will likely end up regressing and practicing childish behaviours as adults considering the fact they have no childhood right now.


Kids aren't supposed to be "pretty". They're supposed to be kids. When you're seven, you don't wear that dress because it's your colour or because you like the way your body looks in it, you wear it because it looks like your favourite Disney princess and has sparkles. Kids shouldn't be aware of their body in those ways, and while I understand that makeup can be a completely safe hobby if used well, it can be seriously harmful and damage you in so many ways if used without the proper emotional intelligence and understanding (which these kids could not possibly have), not to mention the health implications some of these products can have for children


imo kids should be kids, let them enjoy their childhood, honestly i'd blame it on the parents


In 20 years, these kids will HATE their parents for letting them ruin their skin with glycolic acid and other stripping agents. These parents have no idea the skin damage that can happen when you put these types of ingredients on the skin when you don't even need it. All those anti-aging ingredients are like medicine. If your not sick, you dont need medicine!


Not the parents standing behind them and smiling like the other mother from Coraline 💀


My little cousin is 11 and she’s talked to me about feeling really alienated because she’s not on social media and doesn’t know much about beauty. I’m 23, and it was already pretty bad when I was in middle school, but the way my cousin describes her peers relationship with beauty and social media and how they bully her for not being a part of it is another level.


It’s really sad the standards of beauty are going to younger and younger generations


Kids being able to put on a full face of makeup but not knowing their times tables is honestly shocking.


As someone in the younger side of Gen Z (15) most of what I think about recently is how I’m going to afford a house, no point in spending time on social imagery (to be fair, probably because I hate putting pictures of myself online. Most of what I post is art on Tumblr. My parents raised me right so that my life isn’t based on my image.


I am a gen alpha 13 year old, and honestly, I am very suprised that some older generations are shocked about gen alpha being shallow and beauty obssesed. I mean, being raised by the internet with its Photoshop and unrealistic beauty standards, has made us see things, especially the term "pretty", in a skewed way. The internet made us premature and that includes caring about your looks, I have worn a full face of makeup to school since I was 10. The pressure to look good is insane, my best friend had a body dysmorphia that bad, that she wanted to unalive herself, it got that bad. It is good to see someone finally speak about this topic in this calm and normal way, not just rage bait on the infamous 10 year olds at Sephora. Love your videos!


It's actually sad young girls are easily getting influenced by the standards that are "set" in today's generation

Thank you so much for 600 likes!!


I think it is very dystopian but one thing I would like to say is not every single gen alpha kid is like that, I rarely find any kids like that, Sephora kids just pop up once in a while. But I do agree with the things about kids growing up to fast because I do see a lot of girls my age vaping and it’s just sad. I think the internet did kind of ruin/speed up childhood because of all the things kids are exposed to. I’ve known a lot of my peers to struggle with mental health issues too. (I am gen z btw but some random sites say I’m alpha)


It is soo scarry to see the development of the next generation. As a gen Z I already find most of our trends and upbringing concerning as it started way too early with way too much pressure, however seeing gen Alfa develop I am even more worried or them :-(


I so im gen Z and i was raised by my mom who didn’t believe in any makeup, when i was little i only was allowed glittery eye shadow for gymnastics recitals and I wasn’t allowed makeup until high school even then only having eyeliner and lip gloss. A big difference is that now Gen Alpha grew up surrounded by media that portray primary adults or older teenagers so their standard of beauty is based off grown up and filter rather than child


When I was a kid the most makeup I wanted was purple eye shadow because I thought it would be cool, that was the extent. Kids wore lip-gloss and thought they looked like a model. The standard was only our peers, maybe we saw our mom wearing makeup and wanted to try. Nowadays by the time a kid can speak they've been so exposed to the internet they automatically know how they want to look and what they want to buy. It's no longer something cool you wear once a month, it's now expected from kids and important to the kids that they have these products.


These parents are criminal. I am disgusted. My boomer parents screwed me and my millennial siblings up a lot with regards to food and eating habits and I would hope my generation would have tried a little harder to protect the next generation from similar issues.

I'm not anti-make-up, I feel like you should use skincare or makeup if it helps you feel good, but no one should feel it's necessary for in this way.


I didn’t think of it that way. It hit me so hard- gen Z grew up with both, but gen alpha immediately starts seeing the online world as “real”, first. I can only imagine the mind fukc. And if you don’t have good parents to teach you real life from the online world, you’re screwed.


This honestly makes me sad. I have a little sister who is 7 years old. The other day I found her putting tape on her nose because she thought her nose was too round. I asked her about it and she started to cry, saying that she wasn't pretty. This "trend" needs to stop.


this is astonishing... no kid needs sephora products. soap and water... sunscreen should be plenty.
