Εύα Καϊλή: Τι ελέγχει η Αρχή για το ξέπλυμα μαύρου χρήματος | Ανοιχτή επικοινωνία 13/12/22 | OPEN TV

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Δεσμεύεται η περιουσία της Εύας Καϊλή στην Ελλάδα. Τι λέει ο φοροτεχνικός Μπάμπης Καούκης.

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Last year i called her office at Thessaloniki and Brussels on hunan s rights governement s decision here in Greece... her assistance listened to me for something like 4 or 5 minutes to say there s nothing can be done...of course she was called after all previous attempts to other official offices of politicians failed as their answer was still the same... I also felt "lucky" that Greece has a representative in European level of that range so that what i had to say could be more easily get across... Is that a result of my stupidness a result of thinking there s an ierarchy you can follow... or their priorities towards their actual responsibilities.. is that after all the way they re telling you things work or not? Is this way also included in primary school books or not? Of course now nobody picks up any phone calls...
I really hope she s left with nothing... not that i want to be mean...but there s no greatest crime could happen than telling you you cant have your voice heard...regardless of social financial issues may come up to everyone s life...
P.S I also contacted prime s minister office his mother s office who was minister decades ago for a long period of time... then the office of president of democracy... then the offices of the 2nd political party which was our governement before the one there s now... when 1 day i came up with the idea of contacting her hoping that kf someone could listen to what i said through her like a prosecutor could get involved so i could get justice...A member of her political party back then told me; oooh really?? Get out of this country...you should move...you cant fit here... as all previous national decisions on greeks citizens at work income social statue as a result of these two things and most importantly expressing yourself in all fields was always our right..so hard to think all these cant let you not move in another country even to travel between two different points of Greece..
I really wish she gets broke...and live with a basic salary!! Really....


Έδωσε μάθημα ο Ανδρέας. Σε κουτιά από pumpers τα παραλάμβανε. Δες Τσιχατζόπουλο. Η Καϊλή δεν θα έπαιρνε το κάτι τις της?


i pasokes pesan apo ta sinefa eftihos tous glitose o akis mizas 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


υποθετικη ερωτηση = Αν η ΦΩΤΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ειχε συλληφθει στην Ελλαδα...τι θα γινοταν ??
πραγματικη απαντηση = βολευτικη ασυλια....15 χρονια λεπτομερης και ενδελεχης ερευνας....5 χρονια μεταφραση της αποφασης...3 χρονια καθαρογραψιμο αποφασης...10 χρονια εφεσεων επι εφεσεων κ αναστολες γενικως....τελικη αποφαση = παραγραφη λογω 20ετιας !!!!...καθαρα κ ξαστερα


Με τον Πάτερ Αντώνιο άργησαν, ενώ με τις υποκλοπές, με το Μίχο, με τον Λιγνάδη προ παντός και με άλλα πολλά γίνανε όλα


ξερετε εσεις τι ελενχουν' και τι διασταυρωσεις κανουν'
