Atheist Debates - Equivocating on Faith

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A TikTok discussion accusing atheists of also having faith-based beliefs was not only equivocating on what we mean by 'faith' but also misrepresented virtually every other facet of reasonable epistemology...right down to questioing reality.
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I am constantly having to explain that when I say something is “like” something else or two things are “alike, ” I do not mean that the things are identical.


Just a tip. If you smell gas, lighting the stove is not the best option.


Whenever people retreat into solipsism my response is usually something like “you can retreat into solipsism if you want but then neither i nor your god exist so why did you come after me in the middle of the work day for being an atheist?”.


Really appreciate your time and the way you make concrete sense of what is and what isn’t, ,
👍 thank you from Ireland 🇮🇪 ( recovering from the catholic religion )
Phew 😥


I had an interesting conversation on a long taxi ride. Ex evangelical, long time atheist here. Lady driving had just graduated from a christian theological college and, of course was bubbling with all the new knowledge she has gleaned. Cant remember what took us onto the topic of religion but think we were commenting on some local news. On hearing about her course and her comment that she had built her faith up a lot more, I commented that faith, as a concept was an interesting topic as someone running into a café strapped with semtex had a lot of faith, far much more than any western style religious person I had ever know. Similar, swinging off a rope while climbing required a lot of faith, albeit more evidence based, that the rope would support their climb. Under no circumstances could she comprehend that faith was simply belief, her position was that Christian faith was some special gift they received.


I came over the 30 curve and dropped all compassion and empathy for "faith." I've spoken to so many otherwise grounded people who suggest that "faith is too important to people to cast aside." And it is utter nonsense. How long has humanity - civilization - been held back due to respecting fairy tales as the default? I DO NOT CARE if faith-based positions are important to you - you prove they have utility and THEN we respect it. Not the other way around. Not in America where religions are affecting public policy. No way,


Thanks for all you do Mr. Dillahunty. You are helping more people than anyone else I know. But that green screen hue around your head is a little Shrek-like. :)


I added some replies to a few comments, but as someone with a few years experience in the oil and gas industry, I felt that I should also make my own comment:

I think Matt’s analogy stinks! 😂 just joking….actually, I think it is a great analogy. The only issue I have is that people seem to be joking about these odors in the comments. The jokes about farts and smelling gas are funny! 😂

But seriously, people’s lives could be at stake. If you smell a “rotten egg” type smell and do not have the experience and instrumentation, evacuate and call a professional! This could be one of several hazardous conditions depending on the circumstances.

H2S is Hydrogen sulfide and it is DEADLY! People who could be exposed on their jobs are constantly trained in “Confined Space Entry” and H2S safety procedures. By the time you smell it, it is often to late. H2S can be present in a lot of places, but is common near some wells (if natural gas contains H2S, it is called sour gas) and facilities. I believe there is a case of a whole town in Mexico dying from a leak at a facility near the town. As I recall, the leak occurred over night and drifted into the town while the residents were sleeping and most probably never woke up! H2S is heavier than air, so can drift to and accumulate in low spots.

Natural Gas and Propane leaks can asphyxiate as well. Natural gas is lighter than air and propane is heavier than air.

All of the above are also flammable and pose a risk of explosion!

So please, laugh at the jokes but take these odors seriously. If in doubt, err on the side of safety.


Highlight of my month Matt all the best


The natural gas metaphor made me think of skunk weed because it smells like skunk but it don’t smell like THAT.


The "rotten egg" odor of gas is a designed odor that is similar to but not identical to actual rotten eggs. Both of those contain a sulphur smell but, as Matt said, it's distinctively NOT real rotten eggs.


One move theists have is to poke holes at everything that works to justify their irrational beliefs.

"If my omnipotent friend is imaginary then everything else is in some way imaginary too."


The whole brain in the vat/ can't trust your senses argument is such a cop out because they are using their senses as well... but somehow think they can detect the undetectable


I have faith that whoever smelt it dealt it.


Faith is what they offer INSTEAD of evidence. Faith and evidence are not the same. Sort of like butter and margarine; slightly similar but NOT the same. RockOn, Matt.


I love your content Matt, and I try to watch it all, but there’s no way in H E double hockey sticks that I’m going on tiktoc to see it. That’s where I draw the line, lol. Looking forward to seeing your upcoming debates though, as long as they’re not on tictok.


Theism smells like rotten eggs?
That's about right.


"Rotten eggs doesn't smell like that!" is a "Favorite, amusing little moment" = The Gotcha.


Ironic how religious people ask for absolutes when questioning others, but need no such absolutes for their position.


"God farts" should've been the title. It might be click bait, but...hey. Its would stand out. Thanks Matt, for explaining this point!
