Nicole and Mahmoud Break Up? | 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way | TLC

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Tensions rise between Nicole and Mahmoud from 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way as they clash over their differing views on Egypt's customs. Despite their efforts to find common ground, Nicole refuses to change her ways. As the argument escalates, the couple realizes that their cultural differences may be too great to overcome. With no compromise in sight, the future of their relationship hangs in the balance. Will Nicole and Mahmoud be able to find a way to bridge the gap between their worlds, or will their love story come to an end?

From Season 4, Episode 9: "A Beautiful Thing Is Never Perfect"

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About 90 Day Fiancé: 90 Day Fiancé offers a unique look into the world of international dating and matrimony. Using a unique 90-day fiancé visa, the K-1 visa, foreigners will travel to the U.S. to live with their overseas partners for the first time. The couples must marry before their visas expire in 90 days, or the visiting partner will have to return home. They'll have to overcome language barriers, culture shock and skeptical friends and family—all with a clock that starts ticking the moment they step foot on U.S. soil.

The stakes are incredibly high as these couples are forced to make a life-altering decision: get married or send their international mate home!

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Nicole and Mahmoud Break Up? | 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way | TLC
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Mahmoud’s brother is the true definition of the voice of reason here. He is a true man for holding his own brother accountable but it’s clear as day that Nicole and Mahmoud are incompatible.


I’m not Egyptian… “ I’m not American “ that was deep 😂


I wish she knew how beautiful and attractive she is, how polite she is, how well behaved she is, how soft spoken she is, how much patience she has, how much glamour she has, how fashionable she is, how much of a lady she is, she is like Royalty (Kate vibes). Its not often you see such people.


Nicole: I'm American, I should be allowed to live like one.
Mahmoud: I'm Egyptian, my wife should do what I say.


What did she expect going to a Muslim country and marrying a Muslim?


My point is always, you fell in love with a person as you found them, that should be it. If you want someone traditional then don't go outside that. He is the one with the more strict views, if it's that big a deal for him, then he should not have asked her to marry him and should have found a Muslim woman.


To me it always seems like Nicole thought the transition to his culture would be easy as she in some ways is conservative but once she saw how conservative he wants her to be, she got scared, tried it and hated it, now wants to go back to how she was before, creating this conflict.


Everybody is blaming Nicole. But it takes 2 to tango. Mahmoud also needs to take responsibility for marrying an American woman if he so desperately wants her to act like an Egyptian women from his part of the woods. They might have loved each other but clearly that was not enough to sustain the relationship. I feel like they are both a little naive and acted upon wishful thinking. Tbh idk why they even got married when they could have just dated and broke up but whatever. Anyway I wish the best for them in the future.


Before marriage :
Mahmoud : I’m conservative. I want you to dress modest
Nicole : okay.
After marriage :
Mahmoud : dress modest!
Nicole : *shock pikachu face*

Nicole: I want you to leave me alone. I’m angry
Mahmoud: okay
Nicole : *shock pikachu face*

She think a red flag will turn green? 🧍🏻‍♀️
Both think they can fix each other lmao. This can never work out.


She did this to herself. She had false expectations right from the get-go.


Girllll just go home. This is the beginning…he will eventually hold resentment towards her and begin to punish her. Nahh she needs to leave.


I’m a white English revert; my husband is a very traditional Palestinian. We lived in Jordan for one year after marrying and though I am a very practicing Muslim, even I found certain aspects of the culture difficult. There is no way in hell I ever would have gotten involved with a practicing Muslim before I was a Muslim myself. The differences in lifestyle and views are far too different to ever be compatible long-term. Never go into a relationship with the mindset that ‘love’ will fix all those problems or hoping the other person will change. It will never work, and making major changes like that for someone, when you don’t really believe in/want to, will never last and resentment will set in big time.


"I will "let" her go home"


They are still together going strong. They are all over her social media.


She thought he would beg for her to stay. Since he didn't beg she stayed


These two seem beyond resentful and childish.


Nicole definitely is one of those people who dates someone they have clear compatibility issues with, but they're convinced that love will change the other person lmfao come on girly you have different morals and beliefs about modesty and self expression that's not changing or going anywhere


Nicole, run while you are not pregnant. There is no point in living a life where you feel oppressed every single day, and that wears you down mentally. He is not changing for you. There is a man on this planet who will accept you for who you are. You deserve happiness, and in the present setup, it is not an option for you.


“ U have more freedom than any wife I have.” And this my friends is why 1…western women shouldn’t marry Muslim men and 2…u should research the culture and religion of that person first!


Can someone tell me what’s their situation now? Hope she got rid of that
