Life Update: What We've Been Up To + Plans For 2022!

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Ask your questions in the comments below and tune in this Wednesday, January 19th @ 6pm CST for our "Ask Us Anything" Live Stream!


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We are a married couple who started on a life-changing whole food, plant-based weight loss journey in June 2018.

Follow along with our "Adventure":


For those of you who have been asking if you can send us “fan mail,” we finally set up a PO Box! Please address your mail exactly like this:

Jessica & Brian Krock
1720 Market St # 771902
Saint Louis, MO 63177


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Ask your questions in the comments below and tune in this Wednesday, January 19th @ 6pm CST for our "Ask Us Anything" Live Stream!


If someone hasn’t dealt with depression they have no idea. Take care of yourself first and we will be here when you’re ready. So very glad to see y’all back! Prayers that you are feeling better.


As for how often you post, I think consistency is more important than frequency. Once a week would be a more realistic goal for how often to post, to keep your life more sane and help prevent burnout. With both of you working full time, I don't see how twice a week is sustainable for the long haul.

Glad to see you so committed to reach your lifestyle goals so you feel your best. I am in my 60s and it has only been in the past few years that I no longer crave unhealthy desserts. For me, I had to totally abstain from refined sugar traditional desserts and I did have to give up chocolate, which is a trigger food for me. It took a long time to retrain my taste buds, but after a couple of years of abstinence, traditional desserts finally had no appeal and I no longer dreamed of having my next chocolate "fix". I would have never thought it possible to be free from those cravings. It was worth the initial effort, which was very hard the first couple of months. Now I look back on it and realize I didn't give up anything; instead I gained freedom from sugar highs and lows, and freedom from cravings. Now I prefer to have a favorite fruit, or a couple of Medjool dates to satisfy my sweet tooth. I share this to let you know that at any age, change for the better can happen!
Best wishes for 2022. I look forward to future posts from you.


It's the damn sugar addiction that gets me. I feel shitty eating it, yet when I don't it's on my mind. Never goes away.
Lately I haven't needed to go out, which is helpful food wise! No grocery store lanes to try to walk through & not pick up junk!
I'm like a 62 year old 2 year old! 🤗🤗🤗🤗


As a child I was taught to be full. Satisfied was to be compared with full. It was a novel idea to leave the table a little hungry. You could still eat but all was well. You weren't starving. Unfortunately life and fast food always takes me back to bad habits. Rather than cut the meal they serve in half I've let others set my plate size. That's a good goal to make hunger your friend. I think I'll join you in that one.


Love your honesty and depression is no joke. The pressure you must feel from week to week having to be entertaining and informative must be monumental. So happy you are both doing better and back. I enjoy your videos immensely.


Glad to see those smiling faces again. My husband and I have found great weight loss success by preloading our meals with a large salad, or brothy soup filled with low calories ingredients. Then we eat our WFPB entree. We never feel hungry and are completely satiated after our meals and it lasts for hours, HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2022 to you!


Brian - this is how I dealt with hunger: drink a large glass (16 -20 oz) of organic white tea (BETTER than green tea) and wait 20 minutes before I decide whether I still want to eat something.

I make my tea in my 10-cup rice cooker, which fits 12 cups of water. Boil the water, put in just 2 tea bags, then let steep until cool. Refrigerate in a 12-cup pitcher.

When I first started doing it, I was sabotaging myself when I'd run out. So I solved that problem by getting a second pitcher. Now I always have one waiting; as soon as I use one up, I immediately make the next spare.


Brian. I read this at a colleague's desk recently: Hunger Is Not An Emergency.

Still sucks, but keeps it in perspective.


"Making Hunger your friend".... honestly intermittent fasting did that for me and really helped my IBS. I honestly love the way I feel not eating food from 9 pm to 5 pm. After a week, it feels almost "normal, " and idk, my gut feels light- idk how else to describe it. Then I just eat as much and whatever I want -whole food plant based, but occasionally "junk food".


It is a big thing to share your life on YouTube. Regardless of whether or not you continue on YouTube, continue with your diet and weight loss journey. You two are very inspiring I appreciate what you do.


I love how real you are. It’s normal to take a break. Depression is SO real and weight gain happens. 🌺🌸


I must say, every time I watch these videos, I think “Brian has the sweetest face.” I’m sure Jessica agrees. 🤗Good luck to you both!


No questions from me. I completely understand all of the struggles you have because they are the same struggles I have. I look forward to your video's, but honestly, the video's don't have to be fancy. You can totally do what I ate in a day, what your current struggles are, lives, etc. I think overall people just want to connect with others going thru the same thing.


Have you guys read Julieanna Hever’s new book? I have not started the year off as well as I intended. In her book she says “everything happens in this moment.” I plan to adopt that as my motto. Regardless of how much we plan and prepare, we only really control what we do each moment. I need to be more present and aware of each choice I make.


I agree with feeling better. My depression seemingly goes away when I eat WFPB. I struggle to get back on though. I’m struggling now.


‘Eat to live’ by Fuhrman can help with making hunger your friend


I have to say it takes a tremendous amount of courage to do this publicly. I've lost a lot of weight (132 lbs.) and for the last two years it's stopped and I'm not near my goal yet so thank you for coming back and we'll get through this together. It's more than just the food it's learning how to have a compassion for yourself. On the other hand it is about the food because the quality of food I've been eating when I'm stressed it's just horrible writing down what I'm eating it's embarrassing so my goal is to eat better quality food stop eating the c**p. Health is more than a number.


Thank you for your honesty with the struggles of weight loss. I've lost weight and gained weight eating a vegan diet. I feel the struggle! Don't give up.


Jessica mentioned you both are working full time. Yay!! Sometimes multi generation families can be difficult . Take it slow! your viewers are here for you and do miss you both when your gone, but understand when you are!! Thx for the update!!
