Why Gen X Is The HARDEST WORKING Generation Of All-Time!

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Why Gen X Is The HARDEST WORKING Generation Of All-Time!

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GenXer's biggest asset: comfortable with technology, comfortable without technology. Only generation that naturally thinks of both analog and digital solutions. Max creative problem-solving skills. <exit stage left>


Gen X here. We’re less stressed because we are adaptable and accept that there are some things we can control and many things we can’t. If we can’t control it why stress about it. If we can control it, why stress about it.


I am gen x, and honestly I think my grandfather’s generation (ww2) was the greatest and hardest working generation. I work as hard as I do, because I am trying to live up to the example my grandfather set.


Born in '69. I can use a phone book, card catalog/Dewey Decimal System, and Google! Do I want a cookie for that? YES!


Gen X. We did not run our mouths, we just did it.


We Gen-Xers....Had NO fear as kids....
- We stood on the roof of house to turn the antenna for clarity, even in the rain which made it slippery.
- We rode at top speed on the back of pickup trucks without a seat beats.
- We jumped ramps with bicycles without helmets while adults cheered us on.
- We rode bikes for miles to play a video game with one or two quarters and adults could care less.
- We fought with our hands, not with emojis.
- Adults thought it was strange if we didn't come home dirty, bruised or both.
- We had close ranged kite fights with razor blades.
- AND, when we got tired from it all, we drank water from a hose which tasted strange.
...WE are still HERE... We are Tough and Unstoppable.


We're the lost generation for a reason.... We don't want to be found unless you want to f*ck around and find out.


Got that right! I was born in 1970 and Latchkey kid. We grew up working hard and not taking things for granted. I came from incredibly abusive household, suffered incredible trauma etc. Life was not easy even as a child. I started working at 14 still taking care of my younger brother and sister and household. GenX is last greatest generation and way smarter 💖💖💖


I think one point this video may have missed was Gen Xers' relationship with our Greatest Generation grandparents. While I could've been a latchkey kid, I wasn't, because I got off the bus at my grandparents' house. Where I was fed a pb&j and then sent outside to help with the chores. Spending the time I did with them on a farm is where my work ethic comes from. I wasn't the only grandkid there, either. I also feel like a lot of my peers at school spent a lot of time with their grandparents.


And THEY called US "Slackers."😂
Gen X will survive anything. We had to then, and we have to now!


I think gen X self-isolates more than the other generations.


I work with a lot of 20-30 yr olds, I’m in my 50s. They don’t know how to follow through or take any responsibility for getting things done. I have to hold their hands like they are still children.


I was born in 1971.
We all knew if we wanted something, we had to work for it.
There was no free ride!
We learned FAFO very early on, and somethings just got a "whatever".
We respected authority.
If we didn't, we got in trouble.
Accountability was learned very early.


Gen X advantage was we had to learn to do things "the Old way" but had the opportunity through technology to advance and automate those tasks to streamline and expedite the process. The following generations only know how things are today and aren't privy to what they were like and the catalyst for change.


The shitier boomer parents were, the better Gen Xers we became


Dang right!!! I was born in 1974, a latchkey kid and I was the oldest. What childhood. What we know for sure is that feelings don’t get stuff done, doing the work gets things done.


We started working in our teens if not a bit earlier!


The one big thing that we failed miserably at was the way we raised our kids. We made an effort to make things easier for them but by doing so we made it harder for them as adults.


We practically raised ourselves. Put gen Z on an island and they'll perish.
Put gen X on an island and they'll have internet within a month.


I'm a Gen Xer who works online with a lot of Millennials and Gen Zers. I have to show THEM how to do things effectively with technology, shortcuts, cutting out wasted time, etc. It's almost like they want things more difficult. They are unable to "just figure it out"...at all. Not all of them, but a VAST majority. I'm in my mid 40s, been working since 14, have three college degrees, four dogs, own a home and land in California, all on a teacher's salary. I know people younger than me who make more and have nothing. It's SO bizarre!! Plus we don't age LOL!! We're in our 40s and 50s and look 20 or 30-something, while 20-somethings look 50+! I am a VERY proud Gen Xer!!! Very blessed
