What You Need to Know About Generation X

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Generation X - I will share with you some fun facts and characteristics about this generation, and what it means or looks like to work with this generation.
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"Tell me what you want me to do, give me the tools to do it, and then leave me alone." Nailed it!


We were the happiest generation. We didn’t have our parents in our business 24/7. We were independent and resilient generation that could adapt and solve our own damn problems. It was the best!!! We followed the LIST, completed it before our parents got home. So much independence.


I love being Gen X. We grew up in the best era & had the best music!! 💜💯


Gen X, the only generation that was 30 at ten years old and still only 30 at 55 years old. We rock.


Best time in history to grow up! Wouldn't change it for the world!


I was born in 1971. I have a 19 year old son, that thinks I'm METAL. He states I blow him away with my knowledge, strength, true grit determination, the no pain no gain, the no fear and just do it attitude. I'm proud to be a GenXer! But sadly I feel we're a dying breed. 😪


The generation that transitioned into a technological society. Gen Xers remember the time before cell phones, lap top computers and probably most importantly an over protective culture. Younger people have no concept of driving around with no seat belts, limited parental involvement and being personally accountable for your actions.


Born in 66, one of the few kids who’s mom was home when I got home from school. I had a lot of freedom at my grandparents farm and learned how to take care of the animals at a very early age. “Tell me what you need done, give me the tools to do it and get out of my way “ that sums it up.


I'm a Boomer, but my kids are Gen X. I remember when i thought Gen X was confusing. Then the Millenials appeared. So glad my kids are Gen X.


Gen X here no internet, no cell phones, had to be home before street lights came on if u did not make it home your ass was handed to u...😁 we are the MTV generation also..


I'm Gen X, both my parents worked, I had the task of chores to complete when I got home from school too. I joined the Navy when I turned 18. Thanks to years of Government training and my parents, I'm VERY independent. I got my degree in computer science when I left the Navy and I've been married for 24 years and have two sons that I've also taught to be independent. I'm an IT Analyst for a university and HATE being micro-managed. My boss now knows that if he leaves me alone, I'll make him look good which is what all bosses really want anyway. I'm a Gen Xer and there's nothing I can't handle or overcome.


When I was a kid, the world revolved around adults. Adults were the 'important' people. We listened to and obeyed them. I couldn't wait to become an adult so I would be respected and important.... Fast forward to becoming an adult and someone's gone and changed the rules. Now it's kids who are worshipped and *they* are the centre of the universe.
Yup. Jan the forgotten middle child. Ho hum.


I was born in '76 and couldn't agree more! I've always said that the main reason I've stayed at my job for so many years is because I have no peers or supervisors on the same shift as me. I literally have the place to myself. 😁🥳


We were Gen X because they expected nothing from us. But we gave the world everything it relies on today.


🙋‍♀️. I was born in 1980 and at the tail end of Gen X. All of it are spot on for me. I especially love the freedom we have back when we were kids in the 80s.


I do enjoy the strengths of having been raised as a latchkey kid. I also experienced significant downsides that are never talked about. I was penalized heavily for my freedom despite not abusing it and fulling everything asked do me. On the plus side, I have never lost my keys in my entire life and I always complete my tasks. I was never able to see the wonderful side of latchkey GenX until now that I heard you. It has helped me realize that things I take for granted like my independence and fortitude were forged during the fire of this time. Thank you for this gift, a true blessing for me to hear this.


I'm from the latchkey generation. She's spot on. I loved my independence during the time my parents were at work, and the music was fantastic.


Yep, both my parents worked, so I walked home to an empty house, but had chores to do and had to have tea ready for when my parents got home around 5pm, then it was on to do my homework before playing outside with the neighborhood kids. I had my own hobbies, built things and taught myself a lot. Worked hard and did well in school, well enough to go to college. Now I live in the US, thousands of miles away from my parents, doing very well. I don’t find the SNL skits about Gen X to be funny at all. Everyone forgets we were the first generation on the Internet, we built the web and then we built the cloud - the very things Gen Z maybe could not live without, but we remember a time when we had plenty of fun without the Internet and it makes us appreciate things more.


Spot on with the' tell me everything that needs doing, how it needs to be done, tools to do it and leave me alone'

That is definitely my work style


I was born in 65, so I just made the gem X cut. I love love love listening to story’s about us! It is always so TRUE! Yep being a latchkey kid was FANTASTIC! We were totally free to do whatever we wanted without being bubble wrapped for “safety”. And we played unsupervised outside for hours and hours! Good times!
