Can We Ever Travel Faster Than Light? Special Relativity Explained

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Special relativity is an explanation of how speed affects mass, time, and space. The theory includes a way for the speed of light to define the relationship between energy and matter — small amounts of mass (m) can be interchangeable with enormous amounts of energy (E), as defined by the classic equation E = mc^2.

Special relativity applies to "special" cases, mostly used when discussing huge energies, ultra-fast speeds, and astronomical distances, all without the complications of gravity.

Einstein officially added gravity to his theories in 1915, with the publication of his paper on general relativity.

As an object approaches the speed of light, the object's mass becomes infinite and so does the energy required to move it.

That means it is impossible for any matter to go faster than light travels. This cosmic speed limit inspires new realms of physics and science fiction.

This understanding of mass and energy makes it a little easier to understand one reason why we can never reach the speed of light. The energy of a particle diverges to infinity as it approaches the speed of light.

Since we can never have infinite energy for a particle, the speed of light cannot be reached. Since an object has infinite kinetic energy when it approaches the speed of light, it, therefore, has infinite mass as well.

Video Editor: Team 121 Creators
Narration: Sidhart Viyyapu
Project Head: Rajkumar Shukla
Production: World Of Science Media

speed of light, faster than light, albert einstein, light speed, special relativity, theory of relativity, warp drive, why is light speed constant, why is light the fastest, faster than speed of light, can we travel faster than light, is faster than light travel possible

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Forget about goin lightspeed 😂
Setting up Teleportation points or Wormholes are the keys to Interstellar Travel


Thank you for explaining
‘Light Speed Impossibility’.
Thank you.


Just give us a few thousands years we’ll get there, but if we don’t then give us couple more thousands of years and we’ll get there eventually 👍🏽


Science Breakthrough: "Just forget problem of time relative, take focus to redefining the DistanceProblem.."


The speed of light, is not a constant. It varies depending on the medium it's going through!


Actually what you can do is create massless space through the elimination of friction. By essentially creating a mass less bubble, you can theorically accelerate an object to light speed.


Ok then let's just go to almost the speed of light that works for me.


Anything with mass experiences time, while zero mass objects don't. Think of it like this, you have 100 points, and 2 categories, space and time. Every object has a total of 100 points, but it is split between time and space.

A photon has no mass so all 100 points go to moving through space. There aren't anymore points to spend, so photons must travel as fast as physics allows.

An electron however, has mass, meaning some points from traveling through space must go to traveling through time as well. Let's say 10 time/90 space points. As you can see, more mass means more points in time, and therefore less points in traveling through space.


Actually, it's been proven if you take something with near infinite mass, say a black hole, and stretch it out into a tube, then accelerate around the tube in a linear direction you can mathematically exceed the speed of light without breaking Einsteins equation of relativity


Space can move faster than light. It did that doing the big bang. Keep reading you'll grasp it 👍


If we could travel faster than light to a distant planet, could we be on that planet, look in the direction of our arrival, and be able to see ourselves arriving?


The key to this whole short video form of energy WE KNOW sound barrier was considered "unbreakable" once,
Today, breaking the sound barrier is perfunctory for army jet pilots.... just saying...🖖🏾


Everything travels through spacetime at the "speed of light". The more you move through spatial dimensions (space) the less you move through the temporal dimension (time). Conversely, the less you move through space, the faster you move through time.


Can't we use "nuclear reactor" to accelerate the object with mass to travel at speed of light?🤔


What about collisions? The Hadron Collider that excellerates two particles at near the speed of light in opposite directions? Adding the speeds together upon contact would be near twice the speed of light, wouldn't it?


Wot is this marse?
And how do u know I have some?


How about using energy generate through nuclear fusion reaction?


But if alll the universe's energy is concentrated at one place to create a strong bosst of 2 secs won't that be enough for a huge kick ?


i didnt understand, my listening ability is all over the place trying to catch every word…


Except that it appears that some galaxies seem to be moving away from each other faster than light speed.
