Alien Hunter “Thank You “ for bringing old Apollo photos back for all to see for many have been made hard to find now 😏There are Multitudes clueless to what you are now providing so keep up the good work 👏
Gracias por el trip ! Y otras Perspectivas. Abrazo desde Buenos Aires
ཁོའི་ཟླ་བའི་རྨི་བ་།😮His dreams of the moon.😊
When the watchers watch the watched, who’s watching those who are watched?
This is someones visual effects hobby..noway someone would get ahold of these tapes
Thank you Hunter, subtitles in spanish please....
Звук в фильме, а точнее звуковой мелодический фон был поддан фазовой обработке, потому что его слышно не возле динамической головки а на расстоянии метра и дальше. Так происходит когда три волны находят на себя и изменяют звуковую волну. Это используется в аналоговых синтезаторах. После изменения фаз ты слышишь звук в разных местах и не можешь сосредоточиться на смысле предложений произношенных в фильме. А откуда этот фильм, кто-то купил себе плёнку из архива?
Bruce sees all showed so much stuff going on with the bud 😢
They have extensive buildings. I wish i could see the inside .
Jokes on us, thats a new condo development in New Mexico..
ohhhh a new PinBall EM Repair Cannel🎉
Lot's of 17s😅
Some of the pictures look very abstract and fuzzy, I can't tell what I'm looking at and if they are all real or some AI made. For example: 1:41:27 Wish there was better context of what we're looking at, like is this 3:13:04 even real? Is it a giant hole in the moon with a massive structure sticking out or a massive ship casting shadow over the moon? If this much effort is put to make videos with thousands of pictures, I expect it to be more informative, otherwise what's the point of showing mostly blurry pictures with no explanation.
Can you, please, underscore the things you want us to see, because often it's not as evident as you imagine.
Thanks for all.
Massive ship in that helmet reflection…
This is called, "rewriting history"! That's all.
One of my best friends works for NASA on the Artemis program now, I can’t wait to see what videos we get from that
Demuestra sentimientos crecientes de impaciencia. • Expresa dificultad para funcionar. • Expresa una sensación de presión. • Expresa una sensación de tensión.. Estres por sobrecarga
Greetings ! I am pleased to introduce you as my domain(!)...I am the owner(!) of this realm with my queen Inana also called Isthar, daughter of Nanar also named Sin, himself the son of Enlil knowned under the title ''Yahweh Sabbaoth''...and YAHWEH OR ALLAH .OK, my name is Enkime, also called Henoch (Henok) a Nephilim proud of my state and position in this universe....Yaman
1:39:15 Get that dollar store CGI outta here 😂
Сколько десятков тонн весит эта железная балванка ? И какая сила может это поднять вверх хотябы на метр ?😅