Taycan RWD vs Model 3 Performance - Autobahn 0-200+ kph

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After seeing @AutoTopNL's real world Taycan Autobahn acceleration test, I wanted to see how it compares to the/my Model 3 Performance. Luckily they did that one two years ago so I captured a super quick & dirty 'youtube' side-by-side with highly scientific start alignment (don't judge but I think I got close enough).
Spoiler ahead: Tesla pulls away a bit in the beginning but the Taycan stays very close and gets away once they cross the 200kph mark.
Someone explain to me how the Model 3 does 0-60 in 3.5s (I think they took the clip before the update pushed it to 3.2s) and the Taycan supposedly in 5.1s? And 0-200 in 14s while the Taycan needs 16s. Not what I'm seeing here but again, just a quick & dirty side by side and I found it interesting enough to share.
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Da brechen Tesla-Fans ins Essen. Aber wundert es wirklich? Hier tritt eine Firma, die immer nur die Show im Blick hat, gegen eine Ingenieursfirma an. Das bedeutet, Ampelstart bis viertel Meile gibt der Tesla alles und bricht danach quasi zusammen. Wenn man anders herum schaut, wie der Porsche im Bereich über 200 marschiert, sind das definitiv mehr als 380 PS. Das ist underpromising - overdelievering.


I'd love to know the time from 70 to 160 for both. This is more indictive of real world spirited driving imho.
