What If Obi-Wan TRAINED Ahsoka (Star Wars What Ifs)

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What would've happened had Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi taken on Ahsoka Tano like he was originally meant to? Would Ahsoka thrive under Kenobi's teaching or would she become stagnant with a more strict teacher?
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This needs to be touched on more how Obi-Wan is so much like Anakin as a youngling and even when he fully became a master he still follows his emotions just as much as his head. Heck he pulled what everyone would consider a Skywalker move by going in alone to try and Save Satine


The amount of pranks Anakin and Ahsoka are going to play on Obi-Wan is gonna be fun. Ngl, I feel like they would have some sort of closeness to one another, even if they are not Master and Padawan. Anakin might even teach her a few things so she would have a rebellious side to her definitely as she did since she was very young. Granted, I feel like Ahsoka and the 7th Sky Corps would have less of a friendship and more of a professional relationship but she might influence at least a few of them. This is interesting.


What if Palpatine created amor out of the zillo beast skin


The most saddening moment in this was that instead of Ahsoka growing close to Rex, she grew close to Cody, who died in a horrific trap. The worst part is that Ahsoka was the one to find Cody's helmet, showing that he was dead. Now we know how Ahsoka wouldve reacted if Rex had died during the clone wars.


What if Padme is a Sith Lord and Satine is secretly a death watch member


Ironically this was gonna be if anakin didn’t change his mind.

But now I’m curious what if Plo Koon trained her instead?


Obi-Wan did think Ashoka was his new Padawan till she clarified. An interesting What If. Was curious about a second Obi-Wan Apprentice like the Anakin one.


Ashoka being Obi-Wan Padawan would be better for both Ashoka and Anakin ( even though they shared an incredible bond). This led Ahsoka to have a mentor like Obi-Wan being there for her and teaching her how to use diplomacy instead of rushing into action, and I'm surprised Ahsoka didn't get framed for bombing the Jedi Temple. This is a great video, Mr. Pente Patrol for Ahsoka being herself leading her having a bond with Kenobi is feel a great touch to it. This is incredible, my friend, and may the force be with you!


What if Qui-Gon Jinn trained Ahsoka Tano & he also survived The Phantom Menace, living all the way to the fall of the Empire!
Your videos are really amazing! ☺️


Attempt Number 36: What if Anakin was trained by master Fay
Oh and here's a new one. What if Padme got pregnant at the very start of the clone wars? Could Palpatine move his plans forward by a good couple of years because I don't he could.


I’ve always wanted to see what if Ashoka and Anakin were siblings? Of course this would mean either Ashokas could be a human or of corse says the same.


Ahsoka - it’s over master I have the high ground 😉😂


Obi wan and Satine arguing

Anakin and Ahsoka (spongebob face) 😉😂


Am I the only one who thought the Ahsoka and Obi-Wan's final fight with Grevious was strangely emotional? It felt oddly poetic.


What if Anakin fell in love with Dutchess Satine and what if Anakin was trained by Bastillia Shan or Alayua Secura


What if the Death Sticks seller didn't go home and rethink his life?


What if dooku assassinated Palpatine during the rako Hardeen arc. He was stunned and at dookus mercy for a brief amount of time, if there was ever a moment to eliminate sidous, then that was the best time for him to do it.


I really liked this story and that you didn't make the story complete how that effected Anakian the entire time but touching it was good I feel.


I don’t know if this was suggested yet, but here’s my suggestion: What if Qui-gon survived the Phantom Menace?


-What if in SWTOR, Ochos of Oblivion didn’t happen and Vitiate/Valkrion return around the movies?(In the same vain of the Darth JarJar fic you did.)
-What if The Rule of Two was abolished after the Clone Wars?
-What if the Sith Empire returned during the Galactic Civil War instead of the Clone Wars?
-What if Vader lived at the end of RotJ, not redeemed and in charge of the Imperial Remnant?
-What if Anakin saved Mace Windu and stayed in the light during Order 66?
-What if Thrawn was present during the Original Trilogy?
-What if Anakin/Vader was a double agent and played the long game like your Rebel Thrawn fic?
-What if Maul was found by the Jedi before Sidious?
-What if Vader, Thrawn and Several Imperials started an Imperial Rebellion separate from the Rebels, which really took off around the DS1 destruction?
-What if Vader never burned on Mustafar?
-What if Grevious was a Republic General but still hated the Jedi?
-What if Starkiller lived at the end of TFU1 and later trained the Skywalker Twins?
-What if Lord Starkiller lived at the end of TFU1 dark side ending and ignoring the dlc, basically replacing Vader?
